Electron microscopy facilities

Investing in new instrumentation or capital equipment is never easy, and you want to make sure you’re getting the perfect tool that meets your needs and expectations. While documentation such as whitepapers and datasheets can give you some insight into the capability of an instrument, it is unlikely to perfectly align with your particular problems, samples, and use cases. That’s why we believe that the best way for you to gauge if a tool is right for you is by actually using it.

Our NanoPorts, conveniently located around the world, are centers of excellence designed to bring you firsthand experience with our equipment. Whether you are wholly unfamiliar with the capabilities of electron microscopy (EM) or are just looking to stay up to date with the latest advances, our NanoPorts offer a range of services to get you educated, up to speed, and to keep you at the forefront of research.

At the NanoPort, you will find expert-led workshops to get you familiar with electron microscopy, instrument demos that can be performed on your own samples, and generally, a convenient location to collaborate and stay up to date on EM advances. Find your nearest NanoPort below to learn more about the unique tools and opportunities available to you.

NanoPort locations

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