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As organizations are digitally transforming their operations, data integrity remains an extremely important aspect of laboratory processes and software functionality. Laboratories need to promote and ensure that regulatory guidances are being followed and that data is of the highest integrity. This webinar will focus on industry issues, solutions, trends and how LIMS can enable laboratories to accelerate science and drive productivity, while ensuring regulatory compliance. This webinar will outline:

  • The value of LIMS and how it can address industry challenges and trends
  • How to drive compliance and ensure data integrity in your laboratory
  • Our pre-configured Pharma Solution


Dr. Christian Mueller
Director Service and Support, EMEA - Digital Science
Christian Mueller

Dr. Christian Mueller joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in 1998 and has since held various responsibilities within the Digital Science business unit as a project manager and a services manager for the Germany region. In 2020, Christian was promoted to the Director, Service and Support, for the EMEA region. Prior to joining Thermo Fisher Scientific, Christian was working as a laboratory lead for an environmental laboratory. Christian is a chemist with a doctorate in his profession.

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