Academic, government, and private laboratories are making a difference with advancements in mRNA vaccine research. This webinar briefly discusses these workflows, provides history on mRNA vaccines, and discusses how the Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Eight Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer can help researchers and production engineers in assessing nucleic acid concentration and purity while complying with 21 CFR Part 11 regulation.

Key learning objectives:

  • Explore a brief history of mRNA vaccines
  • Understand mRNA vaccine development and manufacturing processes
  • Learn how the Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Eight Microvolume Spectrophotometer improves nucleic acid assessment efficiency and provides more intelligent UV-Vis analysis

This webinar will be of interest to: Biomedical researchers at academic institutes and in government labs, and researchers and manufacturers working at private companies.

Patrick Brown, Product Manager, UV-Vis, NanoDrop, and NMR Spectroscopy

Patrick Brown, Product Manager, UV-Vis, NanoDrop, and NMR Spectroscopy

Patrick Brown is the Product Manager for NanoDrop spectrophotometers, cuvette-based spectrophotometers, and NMR instruments at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Patrick collects user feedback, integrates feedback into software and hardware updates, and works with marketing teams to communicate these benefits to end users. Thermo Fisher Scientific spectrophotometers are used by scientists around the world to quantify and qualify a variety of analytes from life science to materials science. Before joining Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2015, Patrick earned a master's degree in biomedical sciences from Pennsylvania State University.

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