
Duration: 36 min

Powder characterization for additive manufacturing

Characterizing a powder for additive manufacturing, be it for the incoming quality acceptance test or for recycling purposes, is a difficult multi-step process. Information about the powder granulometry and chemical composition is critical to the print quality, and an electron microscope can provide you both at the same time.

Powder analysis

Electron microscopy is the ideal technique for powder characterization. The microscope can show you every individual particle and give you their chemical composition thanks to energy dispersive spectroscopy. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) can be used in additive manufacturing to certify that the powder is responding to the particle size distribution requirements and that the composition of each particle is in spec.

What you will learn in this webinar:

In this webinar, we cover the working principle and the type of information this analytical technique can provide, how it can be completely automated, and how the results can be used to improve the printing quality and the powder recycling process, while also verifying the quality of incoming materials.

  • Learn about typical challenges encountered in powder qualification and how to overcome them
  • Learn about how to create an SOP for SEM+EDX analysis
  • Learn how to read the results of the analysis and apply them to improve productivity

About the speaker

Luigi Raspolini
Applications and Product Specialist Phenom Desktop SEM, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven, NL

Luigi has worked with some of the largest manufacturers of metal components, gaining a clear and complete view of manufacturing challenges. He learned that industrial manufacturing must comply with standards but is still, in many aspects, an artisanal process and that every production facility requires refinements to their SOP.

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