Connectivity of laboratory equipment is progressing rapidly. While it started with the possibility to export data from the equipment onto a computer, smart equipment logged into the WiFi now offers cloud-based connectivity and enables customers to monitor, analyze and take action with their equipment. The functionalities and developments differ however between the types of equipment: while with pipettes there is a need to share protocols with colleagues, freezers benefit from preventative maintenance and biological safety cabinets (BSCs) have other reasons to be connected – from energy conservation to process monitoring and workflow support. You will learn how you can get the most out of your connected biological safety cabinet, whether you are a direct user, a lab manager or facility manager.

This webinar covers trends in connected lab equipment, three reasons to connect your biological safety cabinet, current and future capabilities of cloud-based connectivity in BSCs.

Learning Objectives

  • Outline connectivity trends for lab equipment.
  • Identify three applications for connectivity in Class II biosafety cabinets.
  • Explain the operation and common use of dry voltage contacts in biosafety cabinets.
  • Apply information from biosafety cabinets to support lab management, processes and workflows