Discover the biology of cells, tissues, and organisms through the power of proteomics. For over 20 years, Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers have been the benchmark in enabling proteomic research, helping researchers to move beyond simple protein identification, and into precise quantitation of identified proteins. Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass spectrometers provide broader, deeper, and faster analysis of complex and diverse proteins, allowing researchers to explore the functions of individual proteins and protein complexes, and determine their places in complex biological systems. We’re supporting laboratories in discovering and studying proteomes with greater efficiency and reproducibility. Our proven scientific network, vast array of publications and pioneering solutions, driven by advances in Orbitrap mass spectrometry systems, are pushing proteomics research and discovery forward.

Proteomics mass spectrometry workflows

Proteomics mass spectrometry workflows

We offer a wide variety of proteomics workflows from protein discovery, quantitation, PTM analysis to the study of protein structure, and function.

Quantitative proteomics mass spectrometry

Quantitative proteomics mass spectrometry

MS-based quantitative proteomics enables system-wide identification and quantification of proteins for discovery and targeted applications.

Single-cell proteomics

Single-cell proteomics

MS based single-cell proteomics enable researchers to move beyond bulk sample to single-cell analysis.

Protein structure analysis

Protein structure analysis

Learn how MS is helping to solve protein function and mechanism of action by determining protein complex assembly and structure.

Virus research

Virus research

Explore MS studies on intact viral particles, surfaces, binding, protein compositions, and their effects on host cells' biochemical pathways.

Proteomics software

Proteomics software

Our proteomic software can help simplify statistical analysis of proteomics data and add biological meaning even in the most complex biological systems experiments.

Sample preparation platform

Sample preparation platform

Learn how we can simplify and automate sample preparation for proteomics experiments.

Sample preparation consumables

Sample preparation consumables

Learn more on our reagents and kits–optimized for sample preparation for every step of the process.

Quantitative proteomics

Quantitative proteomics

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Techniques in quantitative proteomics

Techniques in quantitative proteomics

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Single-cell proteomics

Single-cell proteomics

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Single-cell proteomics eBook

Single-cell proteomics eBook

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Integrative structural biology

Integrative structural biology

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Virus research

Virus research

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AccelerOme automated sample preparation platform

AccelerOme automated sample preparation platform

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Sample preparation consumable

Sample preparation consumable

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Proteomics learning center

Proteomics learning center

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Mass spectrometry learning center

Mass spectrometry learning center

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