Thermo Fisher Scientific is excited to present this 6-part webinar series focused on tools and methods to streamline research tasks through the use of automation.

Does automation feel like a black box to you? We will open it up for you in this series of webinars focused on demonstrating the power of automated analytical instruments to improve utilization, productivity, accessibility, and data reliability.

Thanks to automation, users in nearly every branch of science and technology can now spend less time on labor-intensive tasks like manual alignment and image tuning. In this 6-part webinar series, we will highlight applications in a wide range of analytical instruments from SEMs and TEMs, to FIBs, and more.

Achieve Higher Performance with your Microscope with Minimal Effort Using Automated Alignments

Materials scientists and researchers have a wide range of needs regarding modern electron microscopes: high performance, versatility, and the ability to deliver the best results in a short time, all combined with a constant requirement of higher productivity.

To accommodate these needs, Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed a wide range of automated processes and alignments for SEMs, TEMs and DualBeams. Through these, users can spend less time on maintenance and image fine-tuning to boost their productivity and get better results.

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Unattended FIB Serial Sectioning Tomography for 3D Characterization Using Auto Slice and View 4

Over the past 20 years, automated FIB-SST has become one of the dominant techniques for 3D characterization and analysis, allowing researchers to understand complex material microstructures or devices at the nanoscale in three dimensions. Thermo Fisher Scientific was the first to develop and commercialize an automated FIB-SST application in 2000, then called “automated slice and view.”

This webinar discusses the current state of the art in FIB-SST and how materials scientists are using this application to develop new materials and answer complex questions.

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The Power of Scripting with a Desktop SEM

Since 2005, the Thermo Fisher Scientific Phenom Desktop SEM product range has earned its place in the academic research and industrial quality analysis environment. Due to its speed and ease-of-use, this routine SEM imaging and analysis instrument provides analysts the capability to gather substantial amounts of data in a fairly short time.

The Application Programming Interface (API) enables the Phenom to interact with other software. Scripting enables operators to automate repetitive tasks, gather huge amounts of data automatically and save operator time.

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Efficient Multi-Technique Surface Analysis Through Automation

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is one of the main analytical techniques for the chemical analysis of the surface of materials. Recent developments in instrument design have made it easier than ever to collect data. Sometimes it’s necessary to add other surface analysis methods to the experiment to get a more complete understanding of the sample being investigated.

In this webinar, Thermo Fisher Scientific will present examples to illustrate how UPS, ISS, REELS and Raman spectroscopy can enrich XPS analysis, and explain how automation benefits this approach.

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Automated Particle Size Analysis for TEM

Several analytical techniques focus on particle size analysis on the nm scale. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is ideal because it combines size and shape measurement accuracy with the ability to determine size distribution while dealing with aggregates of smaller particles.

A common drawback is that a TEM image typically contains dozens of particles which makes it difficult to acquire the >100 images needed to have a statistically relevant dataset. The automatic particle workflow (APW) from Thermo Fisher Scientific remedies that problem.

In this webinar, Thermo Fisher Scientific will discuss a strategy to employ APW on your TEM to perform element-specific particle size analysis in a more efficient and productive way.

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Enabling Artificial Intelligence for Future (S)TEM Applications

The applications of Artificial Intelligence and the use of neural networks are steadily increasing including (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopy. AI will increasingly reduce tedious tasks to single mouse-click operations and enable complex (S)TEM experiments we can only dream of today. AI will also become a critical component in the development of highly customized (S)TEM workflows to the extent that users will need the ability to script workflows themselves.

This webinar will provide an overview of the building blocks required for successful implementation of AI on Thermo Scientific (S)TEMs. It will also discuss proof-of-concept examples where AI makes a difference. We will also present the Thermo Scientific Metrios TEM, a dedicated tool for the semiconductor market, and the first (S)TEM running with minimal human interactions thanks to the assistance of “AI inside”.

Watch the on-demand webinar ›

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