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Global businesses must navigate a complex and constantly changing set of requirements from U.S. and China EPAs to EU directives related to air and water pollution and radiation. To ensure strict compliance and reporting with minimal impact on operational efficiency and profitability, we provide a range of analytical technologies designed around the unique requirements of your industry. Our air, water, soil, and radiation technologies provide reliable, accurate, and precise results that can make compliance simpler and help minimize regulatory risks.

The purpose of this learning center is to connect scientists (whether new or experienced) to our many resources for learning about environmental analysis methods and products by providing a few key points of entry into the vast content.

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Air Quality Analysis Information

Better health protection through improved air quality with emissions systems, gas analyzers, and portable monitors. Find resources aimed at helping you have a clearer understanding air quality monitoring, including information about air monitoring products for different industries and compliance guidelines.

  • Global air quality regulations
  • TOEM technology
  • Beta attenuation technology

Contaminant Analysis Information

The contaminants in air, water and soils need to be controlled to protect the environment and public health. Find information on monitoring and standards for the detection and analysis of anions, emerging contaminants, metals, and dioxins and persistent organic pollutants.

  • Anion analysis
  • Metal analysis
  • Cation analysis
  • Emerging contaminants analysis
  • Semivolatile organic compounds analysis
  • Volatile organic compounds analysis

Soil Contaminant Analysis

Research labs, farming communities, and environmental monitoring agencies routinely analyze the soil for nutrients, heavy metals, and organic contaminants. Find information on these types of analyses, including workflow overviews.

  • Organic contaminants in soil
  • Heavy metals analysis
  • Nutrient analysis
  • ASE soil sample cleanup

Water Quality Analysis Information

Enhancing the quality of our global water resources with easy-to-use laboratory and portable water testing solutions. Review water quality publications and resources, including information on water quality testing equipment and compliance information.

  • Hydraulic fracturing
  • Water regulations
  • Analysis of drinking water contaminants
  • Waterwater testing

Demonstration video of the autodilution feature in Chromeleon CDS Software


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