A more accurate and reliable presumptive test

Bring the accuracy and reliability of a lab-proven technology directly to the scene with the Thermo Scientific TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer. The TruNarc analyzer easily and quickly tests for over 530 substances, including narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens and analgesics.

  • Library regularly updated to include emerging drug threats
  • Requires no direct contact with most substances
  • Delivers clear, real-time results for presumptive evidence
  • Provides automated, tamper-proof records with scan results, including time-and-date stamps to help expedite prosecution.

Quick links

Video spotlight: See the capabilities of the TruNarc analyzer

Case studies

Trunarc Fentanyl Scan
Efficient, economical, safe

Agencies across the United States that deploy the TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer are seeing immediate benefits:

  • Even little known substances can be identified almost instantly in the field
  • The need for law enforcement officers to handle potentially lethal narcotics is greatly reduced
  • Valuable lab time is freed up for higher priority cases
  • Reduced demand for lab testing delivers significant cost savings

Featured resources

TruNarc Cocaine Scan

TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer FAQs

Want more information about how the TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer uses Raman technology to identify multiple controlled substances including narcotics, synthetic drugs, cutting agents, and precursor chemicals in a single test, without direct contact for most samples?

View the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the TruNarc analyzer ›

Police using TruNarc

Grants are available! Get FREE assistance

  • Grant research customized to your department's needs
  • Unlimited free consulting from Senior Grant Consultants
  • Free grant application help and review services
  • Free online grant writing training
  • Funds are available and we have a wide range of products to meet your needs

Click here to choose the appropriate grants site link and complete the form.

A Practical Guide to Safety and Security Threat Detection Technology

A practical guide to safety and security threat detection technology

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Keeping Safe from Narcotics: A Guide for Communities and Agencies

Keeping safe from narcotics: A guide for communities and agencies

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10 Reasons Handheld Raman for Narcotics ID Strengthens Law Enforcement

10 reasons handheld raman for narcotics ID strengthens law enforcement

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