Food Safety Inspection of Baked Goods and Snacks

Fast, efficient inspection of snacks and baked goods

Most manufacturers of snack foods and baked goods use food safety and quality inspection technology, including food X-ray inspectionfood metal detection and food checkweighing equipment to help ensure they get their products to market contamination-free and in the case of multiple-item packs, with all of the promised pieces in place. 

But with different types of packaging for different types of baked goods and snacks, including metallized film, deciding what kind of technology to use and where in the plant it is needed can be a challenge. Here are some resources to help manufacturers of snacks and baked goods ensure a quality product gets into the hands of the consumer.

Checkweighers are a critical component to any baking or snack foods operation. Close tolerances need to be kept to avoid giving away costly ingredients—or on the opposite end of the spectrum—under filling, thereby not meeting legal requirements and negatively impacting customer trust.

Read the white paper: Market Insights and Solutions: Packaged Baked Goods & Snack Products

Featured Packaged food inspection blog articles:

Snacks and baked goods quality inspection information features


5 Needed Inspection Points During Baked Goods Production
There are several points in the baked goods/snack foods production process that benefit from inspection (metal detectorsX-ray systems) and checkweighing technology. Here are 5 places you should make sure your ingredients and products are inspected.


Baked Goods Food Safety Inspection
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers to help you choose the best food safety inspection systems for your snacks and baked goods application.


Customer Testimonial: Catallia Mexican Foods
Hear how a producer of corn and flour tortillas uses metal detectors at critical control points in his facility as a line of defense, and checkweighers to make sure the products they ship meet package weight requirements.

Metal detection, x-ray inspection, and checkweighing information resources

Product inspection equipment systems can help provide you with the performance and service you need to improve the quality and safety of your products. Visit our Food Weighing & Inspection equipment center to learn about food metal detectors, food x-ray systems, and checkweighing equipment.


A Practical Guide to Metal Detection and X-ray Inspection of Food
X-ray inspection systems and metal detectors can find virtually any foreign object in your packaged food products. To find out how they work, and which one will work best for you, download this eBook.

White paper

Why Multiscanning Technology Improves Metal Detection and Food Safety
Food inspection systems with multiscan capability, can scan up to five completely adjustable frequencies to find metal types and sizes previously undetectable. Here are the most frequently asked questions about this new technology.

Product comparison table

X-ray Inspection System Product Comparison Table
When finding contaminants in your packaged food products is critical to protecting your brand, X-ray systems offer high-tech, cost-effective, easy-to-use solutions.  Use this guide to help find a model best suited to your business.

Product comparison table

Checkweigher Product Comparison Table
With the right checkweigher customized to your specifications, you can depend on accurate weight control, maximized efficiency, and consistent product throughput.  Use this guide to help find a model best suited to your business.

White paper

X-ray Inspection of Food Products: The Safety Facts You Need to Know
Food X-ray systems are safe but they do generate ionizing radiation so it is important to understand what levels are considered safe, what regulations might apply, what safety devices are used to meet these regulations and what we do during manufacturing and installation to assure complete safety in all regards.