What is noble gas mass spectrometry?

Noble gas mass spectrometry studies isotopes of noble gases helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), and xenon (Xe). These gases are found in very small quantities in a variety of environmental samples and the study of the isotopes of these noble gases provides powerful insights in the fields of geochronology, cosmochemistry, and thermochronology.

Isotope ratio analysis of the small samples of noble gases require static vacuum, low-volume, high-resolution instrumentation. The three Thermo Scientific noble gas mass spectrometers are designed to meet these requirements.

Whether for Ar-Ar dating, where sensitivity and multicollection is key, or for high precise He isotope analysis requiring low abundance sensitivity, or for simultaneous interference-free measurement of all noble gases, where ultimate high-resolution variable multicollection is mandatory, our Noble Gas Portfolio covers it all.

We also offer a noble gas preparation system, to provide a source of clean noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon) for analysis.


Argus VI Mass Spectrometer

Helix SFT Mass Spectrometer

Helix MC Plus Mass Spectrometer


Low volume, high sensitivity for best precision for small samples.

Unique ability to measure both Helium isotopes simultaneously.

Ultra high-resolution & resolving power for wide variety of noble gas  applications.


Fixed collector array – incorporating advanced Faraday (1e10 to 1e13) and low noise CDD SEM technology

Beam deflection technology – to enable a variety of multicollector configurations and to cater for range of sample sizes

Fixed collector array – to minimize internal volume

ESA / SEM for ultimate abundance sensitivity

Moveable collectors - for maximum versatility and precision

Combined Faraday Multiplier (x5) - for wide dynamic range

Mass range

A multicollector static vacuum mass spectrometer capable of measuring any mass between 1 and 140.

A multicollector static vacuum mass spectrometer capable of measuring any mass between 1 and 140.

A multicollector static vacuum mass spectrometer capable of measuring any mass between 1 and 140.

Key technology

Lowest commercially available internal volume Emission Suppression Technology

Split flight tube allows isotopes of helium to be measured simultaneously

An instrument with the ability to resolve every major interference from every noble gas isotope

Key applications

Ar-Ar dating of geological samples

Groundwater dating, low temperature thermochronology, composition of Earth’s mantle.

Understanding origin and evolution of the Solar system.

81Kr analysis for groundwater dating.

Xe isotopic ratios in meteorites to studying the evolution of the Solar system.

Amplify your precision with 1013 amplifier technology

Are you limited in sample size? One of the major challenges in geosciences is the analysis of small ion beams. The analytical precision of these studies is limited by the detection system of your mass spectrometer. Equipped with 1013 ohm amplifiers with a new resistor design, our spectrometers enable you to get faster response times and extremely low noise/signal characteristics.

Learn more about 1013 Ohm Technology ›

Analysis without compromise

The patented Emission Suppression Technology (EST) revolutionizes noble gas isotope ratio mass spectrometry by switching off ionization whilst the sample is equilibrating in the source. This removes the trade-off between sample equilibration and precision.

Learn more about EST ›


Argon-Argon Dating

The Argus VI SVMS performs noble gas analysis with beam deflection and 1013 Ohm Amplifier technology, reducing system volume.


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