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Using Raman Microscopy to Monitor the Surface Modifications of Disordered Array of Gold (Au) Covered Silicon Nanowires for SERS Biosensing

The combination of a microscope and a Raman spectrometer provides insights to a multi-stepped surface modification process to fabricate a biosensor for avidin detection using biotin-modified, gold-coated silicon nanowires (Au/SiNWs) deposited on a glass substrate. It is demonstrated that the silicon nanowires morphology enhances light absorption in the overlaying Au layer. In addition, the Raman spectra unequivocally confirmed that the composite structure (SiNWs + Au + Cysteamine + Biotin) can effectively bind the target molecule avidin through specific receptor-ligand interactions. 

Spectroscopy, Elemental & Isotope Analysis subtopics


From leather interiors to an alternative energy powertrain, every component in today's automobile is designed for profitability, performance and appeal. Analytical instrumentation that reveals the chemistry and composition of materials plays an essential role across the supply chain, from R&D to failure analysis. See how with these application notes, webinars and videos.

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Batteries & Energy Storage

Longer-lasting energy sources and batteries continue to be pivotal point for many industries. Avenues of investigation surrounding energy often focus on lithium ion batteries, solar cells, fuel cells and other sources of energy storage and conduction. Through application notes and webinars we’ll demonstrate how to analyze battery/energy storage component using critical technologies like Raman and XPS.

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Biomaterials & Life Sciences

Biomaterials are usually composites of various materials such as polymers, ceramics, and even metals. And they’re often used in medicine or dentistry which frequently requires a high level of oversight. Hence research into biomaterials can be extremely tricky and rewarding at the same time. Through webinars and application notes see how we analyze biomaterials with a variety of tools for different applications.

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Ceramics & Glass

Ceramics and Glass are defined as inorganic, non-metallic materials, creating a unique analytical challenge with different material structures; ordered crystalline structure or a more random non-crystalline (glassy). See how we recommend analyzing ceramics and glass in various applications with these application notes and webinars.

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Nanomaterials are defined as having at least one dimension that measures 100 nanometers or less; it takes special tools to work with any material on that scale. Whether its carbon, graphene, a polymeric additive or a life science application we’ve got a variety of tools to help you get more information from your nanomaterial analysis. From webinars to application notes and videos check here to see how we analyze nanomaterials for different applications using different tools.

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As a leading manufacturer in petrochemical analysis, we offer a full range of instruments and solutions to analyze the quality of petrochemical products and derivatives in both laboratories and in the process, with accuracy and precision. See how our solutions meet current standards and regulations in petrochemical analysis, from exploration sites through production and refining plants to petrochemicals products and derivatives.

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Polymers are large molecules made of long chains of repeating units. Naturally-occurring or synthetic, they often form glass or semi-crystalline structures rather than crystals.

Because they are such versatile materials, polymers are ubiquitous in daily life. Traditional materials such as wood and metal are being replaced with newly engineered polymers that are lighter, easier, and less expensive to manufacture. View videos, webinars and application notes to see how you can help create new polymers for everyday items.

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