Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) are the predominant energy storage device for a number of everyday applications, ranging from portable electronics to electric vehicles. This is largely because LIBs have a high energy density, low self-discharge and low memory effect, allowing for a large number of charging cycles without diminishing storage capacity.

Inspection of battery’s structure and Active material connectivity analysis
Left: Li-ion cylindrical cell - Inspection of battery’s structure - Courtesy of Paul Shearing’s group, University College London Right: Battery Cathode - Active material connectivity analysis

Performance, cost and safety are now the main factors driving ongoing battery research, with variations in battery chemistry enhancing performance at a lower cost with increased safety. Direct observation, down to the micro-scale, can be a significant benefit in the research and development of batteries and fuel cells. By combining techniques such as X-ray tomography, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as well as focused ion beam scanning transmission microscopy (FIB-SEM) or plasma FIB (PFIB), images of the whole assembly can be obtained and observed at a variety of scales.

With advanced image processing and segmentation techniques, Thermo Scientific Avizo Software is ideally suited for this multi-scale approach. At the macro level, Avizo Software can be used to assess leakage, porosity or delamination. It can also examine aging processes by monitoring the quality of the foil, cathode and anode. At the microscopic level, Avizo Software allows for the estimation of the tortuosity and permeability of the porous electrode and separator. Effective transport parameters and the cell’s performance can be further analyzed with electrochemical performance simulations as well as quantification of the triple phase boundary (TPB), phase distribution and connectivity.


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