
Please complete the form below to access the following resources:

  • New! White Paper: Applications for qPCR in therapeutic monoclonal antibody development and manufacturing
  • Application note: Advancing biopharma QC testing with TaqPath BactoPure Microbial Detection Master Mix
  • White Paper: QualTrak real-time PCR and digital PCR ecosystem for streamlined biologics development
  • White Paper: TaqPath BactoPure Microbial Detection Master Mix supports low-level target detection for biopharmaceutical and molecular diagnostic applications
  • Application Note: Uniformity of gene expression measurements on the QuantStudio 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System
  • Application Note: Residual plasmid quantification in gene therapy manufacturing workflows using the QuantStudio Absolute Q Digital PCR System
  • Technical Note: Microfluidic array plate technology improves accuracy and consistency in digital PCR titer quantification for cell and gene therapy research

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