Go beyond automated proteomics sample preparation for maximum confidence and productivity

Break free from the costs and challenges associated with proteomics sample preparation. More than an instrument, the Thermo Scientific AccelerOme automated sample preparation platform presents an ecosystem optimized to deliver fast, accurate, and reproducible results. With integrated experimental design software, hardware, and commercial reagents and kits, you can go beyond sample preparation expanding discoveries for the next breakthrough.

Ultimate confidence in sample processing

Pre-built, validated sample preparation methods and reagent kits ensure users of all skill levels achieve error-free sample processing for the greatest experimental confidence. Validated kits contain ready-to-use buffers and reagents conveniently packaged in trays for easy placement in the AccelerOme platform for seamless sample preparation and minimal hands-on time. The sample preparation kits ensure reproducibility within a laboratory and maximum confidence in method transfer.

The instrument hardware is built on a proven liquid handling format for reproducible sample processing, optimized on-line μSPE sample clean-up for detergent removal and high peptide recovery, and quality control through accurate UV spectrophotometric analysis to determine peptide concentrations prior to LC-MS analysis.

Superior method flexibility

Address the wide range of applications performed in proteomics laboratories with integrated workflows and instrument capabilities. From discovery analysis to high-throughput quantitative biology, pre-built methods and reagent kits support both label-free quantitation (LFQ) and Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) multiplexing workflows for small- and large-scale study sizes. Validated TMT multiplexing kits are available for Thermo Scientific TMT11plex and TMTpro 16plex label reagents providing greater throughput options while maximizing efficiency. Automated sample preparation for up to 36 samples per cycle for label free, 33 samples per cycle for TMT11plex isobaric labeling reagent samples, and 32 samples per cycle for TMTpro 16plex label reagent samples. TMT multiplexing can be performed on cells, tissue, biofluids, and purified proteins with protein amounts ranging from 10 to 100 μg.

Maximize reproducibility through validated reagent kits

Bypass reagent sourcing, mixing buffers, and loading into plates through pre-made Thermo Scientific reagent kits specifically designed for the AccelerOme sample preparation platform. Improved chemistries further reduce the need for sample sonication and further reduce incubation times while maximizing digestion and labeling efficiencies. Pre-made kits are available for LFQ and TMT multiplexing workflows ensuring successful, reproducible sample preparation today, tomorrow, and across your study duration.

Enhanced user experience

Streamline the entire experiment through Experiment Designer software. The integrated software simplifies the experimental planning using an easy-to-follow stepwise workflow creating sample names, assigning study factors, and values for LFQ and TMT multiplexing experiments, including the addition of TMT sample randomization, and bridging if needed. Experiment Designer software provides a graphical display for visual representation of the experiment and can link the sample naming convention to downstream processing, including data acquisition queues on Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass spectrometers and study designs for data processing in Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer software.

In addition, Experiment Designer software includes a feature to determine the statistical power of the experimental scale and provide recommendations to meet desired confidence intervals.


Transforming sample preparation with speed, accuracy, and high reproducibility

Introducing the AccelerOme automated sample preparation platform

Ensuring experimental success with the AccelerOme platform and Experiment Designer software

Daniel Lopez-Ferrer explains the benefits of the AccelerOme platform.

Get results faster, with fewer touchpoints

The AccelerOme platform removes most hands-on steps for preparing 36 label free samples as compared to manual protocols using home-brew reagents or alternative automated protocols as shown below. The AccelerOme platform reduces intermittent visits to the laboratory for mixing and pipetting reagents that can introduce random errors. The platform automation and optimized chemistries speeds up the sample preparation process while maximizing sample quality and reproducibility for LC-MS analysis resulting in greater productivity.

Figure 1

Time comparison- LFQ

Sample preparation of 33 samples using TMT labeled reagents requires additional steps for sample bridge creation, labeling, pooling, and aliquot delivery prior to LC-MS analysis. The AccelerOme platform streamlines the sample preparation process to deliver high-quality sample in less time and with fewer touchpoints.

Time comparison - TMT

Maximize productivity through increased automation and optimized reagents and buffers delivering confident results faster while freeing up your time.

ASMS Breakfast Workshop Presentation

A New Experience in Automated Proteomics Sample Presentation:

  • Democratizing proteomics through standardization and automating sample preparation by Daniel Lopez Ferrer
  • Automating sample preparation for mass spectrometry-based proteomics by Maowei Dou

Quantitative proteomics workflows for advanced insights​

Proteomics has evolved from a qualitative technique to a continuum of qualitative and quantitative techniques using highly sensitive and accurate mass spectrometry to gain significant biological insights that span a wide range of applications including biology, biochemistry, biomarker discovery and precision medicine.

Learn more ›


Large-scale proteomics

Gain access to new workflows that produce clinically relevant results that are quantitative, reproducible, standardized, and scalable. With advances in mass spectrometry, capabilities in translational proteomics have skyrocketed, complementing other omics disciplines, such as genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics/lipidomics.

Learn more ›



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