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K-Alpha X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific K-Alpha X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) System brings a new approach to surface analysis. Focused on delivering high-quality results using a streamlined workflow, the K-Alpha XPS System makes XPS operation simple and intuitive, with no sacrifice in terms of performance or capabilities.  

State-of-the-art performance, reduced cost of ownership, increased ease of use, and high sample throughput make the K-Alpha XPS System ideal for a multi-user environment. The K-Alpha XPS System gives more researchers around the world access to surface analysis. 

Webinar: Thermo Scientific K-Alpha XPS System

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K-Alpha X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer features


High-performance X-ray source

High-performance X-ray source

The X-ray monochromator allows selection of analysis area from 50 µm to 400 µm in 5 µm steps, fitting it to the feature of interest to maximize the signal.

Optimized electron optics

Optimized electron optics

The high-efficiency electron lens, hemispherical analyzer, and detector allow for superb detectability and rapid data acquisition. 

Sample viewing

Sample viewing

Bring sample features into focus with the K-Alpha XPS System's patented optical viewing system and XPS SnapMap, which helps you pinpoint areas of interest quickly.

Insulator analysis

Insulator analysis

The patented dual-beam flood source couples low-energy ion beams with very low energy electrons (less than 1 eV) to prevent sample charging during analysis, which eliminates the need, in most cases, for charge referencing.

Depth profiling

Depth profiling

Go beyond the surface with the EX06 ion source. Automated source optimization and gas handling ensure excellent performance and experimental reproducibility.

Digital Control

Digital Control

Intuitive operation—guided by the Avantage data system—makes the K-Alpha XPS System ideal for both multi-user, shared facilities and XPS experts who place a premium on efficient operation and high-throughput analysis.

Optional sample holders

Optional sample holders

Specialist sample holders for angle-resolved XPS, sample bias measurements, or for inert transfer from a glove box are available.


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Analyzer type 
  • 180° double-focusing hemispherical analyzer, 128-channel detector
X-ray source type
  • Monochromated, micro-focused, low-power Al K-Alpha X-ray source 
X-ray spot size
  • 50–400 µm (adjustable in 5 µm steps)
Depth profiling
  • EX06 ion source
Maximum Sample area
  • 60x60 mm
Maximum sample thickness
  • 20 mm
Vacuum system
  • Two turbo molecular pumps, with automated titanium sublimation pump and backing pump
Optional accessories
  • ADXPS sample holder, work function sample holder, glove box
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Battery Research

Battery development is enabled by multi-scale analysis with microCT, SEM and TEM, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, and digital 3D visualization and analysis. Learn how this approach provides the structural and chemical information needed to build better batteries.

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Metals Research

Effective production of metals requires precise control of inclusions and precipitates. Our automated tools can perform a variety of tasks critical for metal analysis including; nanoparticle counting, EDS chemical analysis and TEM sample preparation.

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Polymers Research

Polymer microstructure dictates the material’s bulk characteristics and performance. Electron microscopy enables comprehensive microscale analysis of polymer morphology and composition for R&D and quality control applications.

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Geological Research

Geoscience relies on consistent and accurate multi-scale observation of features within rock samples. SEM-EDS, combined with automation software, enables direct, large-scale analysis of texture and mineral composition for petrology and mineralogy research.

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Oil and Gas

As the demand for oil and gas continues, there is an ongoing need for efficient and effective extraction of hydrocarbons. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a range of microscopy and spectroscopy solutions for a variety of petroleum science applications.

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Materials have fundamentally different properties at the nanoscale than at the macroscale. To study them, S/TEM instrumentation can be combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to obtain nanometer, or even sub-nanometer, resolution data.

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Micro-traces of crime scene evidence can be analyzed and compared using electron microscopy as part of a forensic investigation. Compatible samples include glass and paint fragments, tool marks, drugs, explosives, and GSR (gunshot residue).

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Catalysis Research

Catalysts are critical for a majority of modern industrial processes. Their efficiency depends on the microscopic composition and morphology of the catalytic particles; EM with EDS is ideally suited for studying these properties.

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Fibers and Filters

The diameter, morphology and density of synthetic fibers are key parameters that determine the lifetime and functionality of a filter. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is the ideal technique for quickly and easily investigating these features.

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2D Materials

Novel materials research is increasingly interested in the structure of low-dimensional materials. Scanning transmission electron microscopy with probe correction and monochromation allows for high-resolution two-dimensional materials imaging.

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Automotive Materials Testing

Every component in a modern vehicle is designed for safety, efficiency, and performance. Detailed characterization of automotive materials with electron microscopy and spectroscopy informs critical process decisions, product improvements, and new materials.

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X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) enables surface analysis, providing elemental composition as well as the chemical and electronic state of the top 10 nm of a material. With depth profiling, XPS analysis extends to compositional insight of layers.

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X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) enables surface analysis, providing elemental composition as well as the chemical and electronic state of the top 10 nm of a material. With depth profiling, XPS analysis extends to compositional insight of layers.

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