Antidoping testing programs seek to preserve what is intrinsically valuable about sport: playing true. Authorities depend on accurate analysis using chromatography and mass spectrometry (MS) for detecting a growing list of prohibited substances and practices.
In this two part webinar series Dr. Alessandro Casilli, Brazilian Laboratory for Doping Control, discusses the use of state-of-the-art Orbitrap HRAM-MS and IRMS in the fight against sports doping. You will learn how this important laboratory is able to provide the highest quality results and detect the use of prohibited substances in sporting events.
Part 1: 428 prohibited substances detected in urine by UHPLC-Orbitrap
Learn about recent advances in high resolution accurate mass (HRAM-MS) Orbitrap technology for measuring different ionization modes during the same run, and improving specificity and detection limits in sports doping control analyses.
Part 2: Specific identification of exogenous steroids in urine by GC-IRMS
Learn about isotope ratio analysis (IRMS) with GC-MS for detection and confirmation of synthetic endogenous anabolic steroids in one sample injection. Recent advances include potential elimination of HPLC steps and enabling automation.