Advanced instrument control software, compound database integration, and predefined method templates simplify operations, enabling LC-MS/MS users of all skill sets to obtain high-confidence data.

Achieve next-level productivity, versatility, and performance for method development and routine sample analysis. The Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantis Plus triple quadrupole mass spectrometer combines enhanced acquisition speed and sensitivity with proven robustness and reliability to deliver confident targeted screening and quantitation for high-throughput applications.

Reducing the barrier to productivity: Operational simplicity

Targeted research and routine applications demand fast and responsive instrument control software, with intuitive operations. Predefined method templates with integration to databases, including the Thermo Scientific mzCloud database, enable targeted quantitation method creation based on empirical knowledge. Also, direct method transfer from previous Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantis mass spectrometers can be loaded and operated without optimization.

Experimental determination of dwell times assigned to transitions is automated based on user-defined chromatographic peak width, with the option of fixed cycle time or optimal number of data points per chromatographic peak. Prioritization settings allow further adjustments.

Speed with selectivity and sensitivity

Achieve superior acquisition speeds on the TSQ Quantis Plus mass spectrometer, which can acquire 600 SRMs/sec and when combined with a new power supply enables 5 ms polarity switching and allows the required number of data points to be acquired for expanded number of target compounds, even with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) separation.

The TSQ Quantis Plus mass spectrometer delivers excellent quantitative performance in both selected reaction monitoring (SRM) and high-resolution selected reaction monitoring (H-SRM) for fit-for-purpose selectivity. The enhanced active Q2 collision cell improves product ion transmission, especially for low-mass product ions, which can increase detection efficiency.

Expanded experimental capabilities

Integrated workflow solutions centered on the TSQ Quantis Plus mass spectrometer address regulated requirements targeting a growing list of diverse compounds. New UHPLC and high performance ion chromotagraphy (HPIC) systems maximize sample delivery and separation capabilities, maintaining the sensitivity to meet minimum residue limits without costly sample preparation or derivatization steps. Thermo Scientific Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS) controls all experimental attributes in a regulated environment to further drive productivity.

Robust and reliable quantitation

Innovative designs in the ion source, neutral blocker, and mass analyzers maintain optimal performance while maximizing instrument uptime. The ion transfer tube enables simple extraction and cleaning in minutes, without breaking the instrument vacuum or requiring instrument calibration. New integrated instrument performance check and calibration routine reduce manual interaction, maximizing data acquisition and instrument productivity.

Highly sensitive and robust LC-MS/MS solutions for quantitation of nitrosamine impurities in drug products

Learn more about a fit-for-purpose LC-SRM-MS method for the detection and quantitation of 10 nitrosamines in drug products

Meet the TSQ Plus triple quadrupole mass spectrometers

Learn about the new hardware features driving next-level performance for targeted quantitation

The 40-year history of triple quadrupole development

The history of innovative triple quadrupole designs at Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tomorrow’s quantitation today – dynamic duo

The integrated process of connecting knowledge between method development and routine testing

Highly sensitive and robust LC-MS/MS solutions for quantitation of nitrosamine impurities in drug products

Learn more about a fit-for-purpose LC-SRM-MS method for the detection and quantitation of 10 nitrosamines in drug products

Meet the TSQ Plus triple quadrupole mass spectrometers

Learn about the new hardware features driving next-level performance for targeted quantitation

The 40-year history of triple quadrupole development

The history of innovative triple quadrupole designs at Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tomorrow’s quantitation today – dynamic duo

The integrated process of connecting knowledge between method development and routine testing


White Paper: Sensitivity and acquisition speed with triple quadrupole technology

Today’s analytical methods performing routine quantitation continue to evolve to meet new environmental and health risks. Experimental methods are modified to include more compounds measured at lower detection levels with faster gradients to address throughput. Therefore, specific LC-MS/MS performance characteristics are critical to evaluate productivity.

Download white paper ›

White Paper: Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer portfolio

Learn about the hardware and software innovations implemented in the TSQ triple quadrupole mass spectrometer platform to address the current and future challenges in targeted quantitation.  The platform enhancements enable ultimate confidence in data quality with robust, reproducible, and reliable quantitative methodologies.

 Download white paper ›

Expedite confident SRM transition creation:  Integration of the Thermo Scientific mzCloud mass spectral database with the Thermo Scientific TSQ Plus mass spectrometer

Analytical labs adapt targeted quantitation methods to comply with regulations, adding new compounds to existing methods. Thermo Scientific mzCloud database integration with Thermo Scientific TSQ Plus mass spectrometers streamlines the process by importing SRM transitions, saving time and resources.

 Download white paper ›

As we identify chemicals that pose environmental and health risks, it is critical to find effective and responsive solutions for routine quantitation to address current and emerging regulations. Your quantitative solutions must address a wide range of analytical requirements to screen and quantitate low-level chemical contaminants. These compounds and methods are diverse, requiring integrated solutions to respond quickly and confidently while meeting regulations.

It is crucial to ensure safety and compliance for the world’s food supply, which is processed in different environments and under different regulations. Differences in pesticide development and implementation, as well as transportation and handling, make it complicated but important to develop workflow solutions to address current testing requirements as well as emerging threats and regulations. The TSQ Altis Plus mass spectrometer provides next-level performance to address these challenges.

Food safety standards change and evolve

Ensuring the safety of the world’s food supply is critical, but there are concerns about the safety of global food supply chains because food can:

  • Be grown and processed in widely differing environments under a variety of regulatory frameworks
  • Travel thousands of miles and handled by many different operators and people
  • Experience various storage conditions with temperature fluctuations that may affect shelf life

Providing innovative solutions to help meet the demanding needs of clinical, forensic, and toxicology research, Thermo Fisher Scientific workflow solutions combine effective front-end solutions to the TSQ Quantis and Quantis Plus mass spectrometers to deliver confident data.

The bio/pharmaceutical drug development pipeline presents different challenges to researchers at every stage, from discovery through bioanalytical quantitation. Thermo Scientific TSQ Plus mass spectrometers leverage innovative hardware and software advancements to deliver productive solutions to enable our partners to deliver next-generation drugs to market faster with greater confidence.

Nitrosamine Impurity Analysis

Nitrosamine impurity analysis requires robust and sensitive analytical methods to ensure confidence in the obtained results. The wide Thermo Scientific portfolio is proven to be excellent for nitrosamine analysis, ensuring your exploratory and routine methods are performed as accurately and reliably as possible while maintaining requirements from regulatory bodies worldwide. Our major products for the analysis of nitrosamines include:

  • Liquid, gas, and ion chromatography for robust separation
  • High-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry for ultimate confidence avoiding false-positive results
  • Tandem mass spectrometry, the best tool in routine analysis
  • Single, compliance-ready software solution for all our technology solutions.

Connect your laboratory to drive more insights from your data

Thermo Fisher Connect Platform is part of our full suite of digital capabilities for secure, cloud-based data storage, scientific analysis apps, and peer collaboration tools. In addition, our asset management tools allow you to remotely schedule time on your lab’s instruments and monitor your run via your mobile device.

Using Thermo Fisher Connect, it’s easy to connect, save, and synchronize your files to your secure, personal account, which includes 1 TB of free storage. Peer and document collaboration tools enable secure group collaboration.

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