Jun 21, 2018 - Jun 29, 2018
Liquid Chromatography Webinars

Upcoming live webinar broadcasts!

Learn more about our innovations for HPLC. New webinars will be announced - please check back frequently.

  • Dual LC – 2개의 시료를 병렬로  실행하여 처리량을 높이거나 하나의 시료에서 동시에 두개의 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.
  • Tandem LC 또는 LC-MS – 하나의 컬럼에서 안정화를 하는 동안 다른 컬럼에서 분석 작업을 수행함으로써 처리량을 높여줍니다. 
  • Inverse Gradient – Charged Aerosol Detector 와 Inverse Gradient 로 표준품도 없는 시료의 정량분석시 신뢰성 있는 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.

한국어로 진행되는 on-demand webinar에서, 생산성 워크플로 및 Vanquish Duo UHPLC 시스템에 관한 상세 정보를  확인하십시오.

발표자:Junghyang Lee, LC Application Chemist, Thermo Fisher Scientific Korea

신제품 Thermo ScientificTM VanquishTM Duo 는 독립적으로 분리된 두개의 유로를 사용함으로써 세개의 워크플로를 가능하게 하는 혁신적인 방식으로 생산성을 높여줍니다.이는 시료당 분석비용을 절감하고 시료 처리량을 증가시켜 수익성을 향상시켜 줍니다. Vanquish Duo의 생산성 워크플로 (Dual LC, Tandem LC 또는 LC-MS 및 Inverse Gradient) 와 Vanquish Duo 시스템에 대해 보다 자세히 알아보려면 라이브로 진행되는 이번 웨비나에 참여하십시오. 이 웨비나는 영어, 일본어 및 한국어로 제공됩니다. 보다 자세한 정보와 등록 방법은 아래에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

View the latest webinar recordings

View our on-demand webinars at your convenience

Catch-up and broaden your HPLC knowlegde whenever you want. Hear about the latest developments in liquid chromatography by listening to our 30-45-minute webinar sessions recently recorded for you. 

Content is provided in English, Japanese and Korean.

Watch now

If you have questions about the content delivered in these webinars or if you want to discuss how we can support you with your analytical challenges please fill out the contact form below and our experts will get back to you

May 28, 2019 - May 28, 2019
Accucore Biophenyl HPLC Columns

11:00 -11:45 Central Europe Summer Time

You know this scenario from your lab. C18 phases are commonly used in HPLC, but then there is this very special situation. How to solve it?

This webinar will cover the following topics and benefits for your lab for a complete workflow for small basic molecules:

  • Sample preparation (Protein precipitation to solid phase extraction)
  • Importance of the glass quality for vials to detect down to the last fg
  • Solutions for spearations outside the C18"box":
    Highly polar analytes (LogP2 and below)
    Ion suppression (special selectivities and where to gain advantage from biphenyl, phenyl X and phenyl hexyl)
    Longevity data developed at a customer lab
    Tips and tricks for common problems in a liquid chromatography lab

Join this webinar to hear how important every step of a workflow can be and to gain advantage for your lab analyzing polar analytes. Get ideas outside the C18"box" and see how your routine can be improved.

After the presentation which lasts around 30 minutes we have sufficient time to answer your questions.

Speakers: Petra Gerhards, Regional Marketing Manager EMEA for Columns and Consumables & Silvia Marten, Sales Support Expert Chromatography Consumables

Webinar language: German

Registation and webinar access:
Please use the online form on the right to sign up for this webinar. The confirmation will provide the access details for this webinar. The session lasts around 45 minutes including questions and answers at the end of the presentation.

The New Thermo Scientific Vanquish Core HPLC system. Achieve uninterrupted routine analysis to deliver continuous results

  • Are you experiencing increased pressure to dependably deliver critical results for your organization? 
  • Do you want the most affordable entry to the Vanquish platform, with the ability to seamlessly transfer methods from existing instrumentation?
  • Do you want to minimize disruption to daily lab operations? 
  • Do you want to deliver first time right results?

Simple to the CORE

Many pharmaceutical QA/QC laboratories have grown resigned to the need for intensive resources dedicated to HPLC system and data monitoring to ensure delivery of results. 

The New Thermo Scientific Vanquish Core HPLC system reduces the burden on laboratory management and operators to dependably deliver results of the highest quality without interruption and integrates into existing chromatography data systems without disruption.

  • Upgrade your systems within your current software infrastructure
  • Enhance your lab’s productivity with system intelligence
  • Enable your scientists to continually deliver exceptional results

What you will learn:

  • Discover how to maximize of lab productivity through new dedicated tools
  • Minimize unexpected instrument downtime using the new Vanquish Solvent Monitor 
  • Learn how we have helped you simplify regulatory compliance

Who should attend:

Managers and operators in regulated, routine pharmaceutical HPLC laboratories

preparative lc on demand webinar

Sign-up now and get instant access to this on demand webinar! 

Learn about the wide variety of phases, hardware, and method development tools available to help you choose the most appropriate preparative HPLC column. Selecting the right preparative LC column packed with the right stationary phases and in the right hardware will help you maximize your performance. 

Key learning objectives:

  • Discover how to easily scale your method from analytical to prep LC
  • Introduction to the Thermo Scientific Preparative HPLC phases
  • Understand the different hardware types to suit your prep LC requirements
Who should attend: 
  • Preparative-scale liquid chromatography analysts
  • Scientists and technicians who are planning to scale-up their analysis
  • Prep LC users looking to improve column lifetime through the use of enhanced prep LC hardware
Speakers: Mike Baynham, Senior Product Manager LC Columns & Rainer Bauder, Manager Technical Applications Chromatography Columns and Consumables

Liquid chromatography doesn't always provides the expected chromatogram. In this webinar of the series we will show classic problems seen in HPLC/UHPLC separation, explain the typical causes and explain how these can be eliminated. Guide to the different modules of a HPLC system and where problems are likely to occur. Where are the main areas where problems occur in liquid chromatography. Tips to quickly improve system performance and data quality.
This webinar is suited for experienced and new users of liquid chromatography.

View webinar recording

Ever considered which solvent and which grade is the optimum for your separations? In this webinar, learn about the different grades of solvents, recommedations for their use based on application and solutions to clean and maintain your instruments.
Learn about the different types of solvents and grades that are available, which type of solvent should be used for particular applications and the importance of flush solutions for optimal instrument operation and data quality.

View webinar recording

Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™ CDS Software is full of features and tools to make your instrument operation, data collection and analysis efficient and compliant. Remembering about all these features, shortcuts and tools and putting them in to routine use though is more of a challenge though. In this webinar, we shall walk you through some of the main tools in Chromeleon to ensure you are using Chromeleon CDS software to its full potential and you receive the productivity gains it offers.
View this webinar recording to understand about the various modules and options available for conducting ion chromatography, where likely problems are going to occur in ion chromatography. Hear tips to ensure optimal performance from your ion chromatography and preventative maintenance you can undertake. Using Chromeleon CDS to enhance your ion chromatography separations.

View webinar recording

Accucore Biophenyl HPLC Columns

You know this scenario from your lab: C18 phases are commonly used in HPLC, but then there is this very special situation. How to solve it?

This webinar will cover the following topics and benefits for your lab for a complete workflow for small basic molecules:

  • Sample preparation (Protein precipitation to solid phase extraction)
  • Importance of the glass quality for vials to detect down to the last fg
  • Solutions for spearations outside the C18"box":
    Highly polar analytes (LogP2 and below)
    Ion suppression (special selectivities and where to gain advantage from biphenyl, phenyl X and phenyl hexyl)
    Longevity data developed at a customer lab
    Tips and tricks for common problems in a liquid chromatography lab

View this webinar recording now to hear how important every step of a workflow can be and to gain advantage for your lab analyzing polar analytes. Get ideas outside the C18"box" and see how your routine can be improved. The recordings consists of 30 minutes presentation, followed by a lively Q&A session.

Speakers: Petra Gerhards, Regional Marketing Manager EMEA for Columns and Consumables & Silvia Marten, Sales Support Expert Chromatography Consumables

This webinar recording is in German language.


The Thermo Scientific Vanquish Duo UHPLC offers a revolution in productivity by offering three workflows and two independent flow-paths in one integrated UHPLC solution that delivers to you substantially higher throughput capabilities, lower cost-per-sample and improved return-on-investment. Productivity workflows on the Vanquish Duo include: Dual LC, Tandem LC or LC-MS, Inverse Gradient.

There is no registration required to view the webinar recordings.



UV-based detection is the most commonly used detection technique in liquid chromatography due to its simplicity and cost effectiveness. Learn about the different UV-based detectors, modes of operation, pros and cons of each, and their uses.

Presenter: Jan Pettersson, Chromatography Sales and Applications Support

There is no registration required to view the recording.

Some analytes cannot be detected by 'traditional' detectors, such as UV or mass spectrometry. In these circumstances, a universal detector, such as a charged aerosol detector, can be used. Learn more about universal detectors, how they work, and their varied applications.

Presenter: Paul Gamache, HPLC R&D Director

There is no registration required to view the recording.

Want to get the best out of your detector, whether it is UV-based, a universal detector, or mass spectrometer? Sign-up to hear about the main tips and tricks to get optimal performance from any detector type.

Presenter: Patrick Bohman, HPLC Sales Support Specialist

There is no registration required to view this recording.

Hear about different types of mass spectrometers - single and triple quadrupols to ion-traps and orbitrap-based systems - and insights as to applications most suited to each.

Presenter: Deb Bhattacharyya, Senior Marketing Manager, LSMS Product Marketing

There is no registration required to view this recording.

Register for Prep LC for Compound Purification on-demand webinar and speak to an expert


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Vanquish Duo UHPLC On-demand Webinar

English on-demand Webinars

Charged Aerosol Detection 101
A wide range of detection options exist for liquid chromatography, but each has limitations. Charged aerosol detection offers an alternative, universal detection option. Learn how the technology works, what benefits it offers and examples from a wide range of analytes.
Which UHPLC for LC-MS?
LC-MS is a common technique in analytical science, but do you have the optimal LC-MS set-up for your particular application and are you using the correct UHPLC to get the maximum performance from your mass spectrometer?
Chromatographic Workflows for Biopharmaceutical Characterization
Liquid chromatography plays an essential role in biopharmaceutical characterization. In this webinar we shall outline the main characterization workflows, the role LC plays and new developments in these workflows.
Streamline Your Chromatography Laboratory Operations Through End-to-End Workflows
Automate your chromatography processes and ensure that methods and guidelines are accurately followed to improve efficiencies and drive compliance.
Comply with Data Integrity Regulations with Chromeleon CDS Software
Overview on data integrity regulations and how the Thermo Scientific Chromeleon CDS software allows you to protect the integrity of your data at each stage of the workflow.
Sample Preparation for HPLC
Overview on the main sample preparation strategies and guidance to the most suitable sample preparation techniques for general applications.
From HPLC to UHPLC: How Fast Can I Be, and Is the Fastest Always the Best
Learn about the potential for the UHPLC's method acceleration and what advantages and disadvantages this acceleration provide.
From HPLC to UHPLC: What are the Instrument Requirements and Pittfalls?
It is not all about pressure: Requirements for a UHPLC-compatible system and how they can contribute to a successful UHPLC application.
From HPLC to UHPLC: Method Transfer, What Should I Pay Attention To?
How can method acceleration be achieved following the rules of UHPLC? Examples are examined including effects that just show up under UHPLC conditions.
Tips and Tricks for HPLC and UHPLC
A chromatogram does not always look as expected. Classical problems and typical causes are discussed and how these can be eliminated and avoided.

German on-demand Webinars

From HPLC to UHPLC: How Fast Can I Be, and Is the Fastest Always the Best? (German)
Learn about the potential for the UHPLC's method acceleration and what advantages and disadvantages this acceleration provide.
From HPLC to UHPLC: What are the Instrument Requirements and Pittfalls? (German)
It is not all about pressure: Requirements for a UHPLC-compatible system and how they can contribute to a successful UHPLC application.
From HPLC to UHPLC:  Method Transfer, What Should I Pay Attention To? (German)
How can method acceleration be achieved following the rules of UHPLC? Examples are examined including effects that just show up under UHPLC conditions.
Tips and Tricks for HPLC and UHPLC (German)
A chromatogram does not always look as expected. Classical problems and typical causes are discussed and how these can be eliminated and avoided.
The Ideal Chromatography Data System (CDS) for You? (German)
What are key requirements for your next CDS? Ease of use, regulatory compliance, traceability and data integrity, to productivity tools are discussed.

Italian on-demand Webinars

Chromatographic Workflow for Biopharmaceutical Characterization (Italian)
LC plays an essential role in biopharmaceutical characterization. This session in Italian discusses main workflows, the role LC plays and new developments

Which UHPLC for LC-MS? (Italian)
LC-MS is a common technique in analytical science, but do you have the optimal LC-MS set-up for your particular application and are you using the correct UHPLC to get the maximum performance from your mass spectrometer?

Tips and Tricks for HPLC and UHPLC (Italian)
Classic HPLC and UHPLC problems, typical causes and solutions

Comply with Data Integrity Regulations with Chromeleon CDS Software (Italian)
Learn more about data integrity guidelines and how the Chromeleon CDS software protects data integrity.
IC Coupled with MS, a Powerful Approach for Polar Pesticide Determination (Italian)
Ion chromatography coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer has been used to separate polar pesticides without the need for derivitization. 

English on-demand Webinars

Charged Aerosol Detection 101
A wide range of detection options exist for liquid chromatography, but each has limitations. Charged aerosol detection offers an alternative, universal detection option. Learn how the technology works, what benefits it offers and examples from a wide range of analytes.
Which UHPLC for LC-MS?
LC-MS is a common technique in analytical science, but do you have the optimal LC-MS set-up for your particular application and are you using the correct UHPLC to get the maximum performance from your mass spectrometer?
Chromatographic Workflows for Biopharmaceutical Characterization
Liquid chromatography plays an essential role in biopharmaceutical characterization. In this webinar we shall outline the main characterization workflows, the role LC plays and new developments in these workflows.
Streamline Your Chromatography Laboratory Operations Through End-to-End Workflows
Automate your chromatography processes and ensure that methods and guidelines are accurately followed to improve efficiencies and drive compliance.
Comply with Data Integrity Regulations with Chromeleon CDS Software
Overview on data integrity regulations and how the Thermo Scientific Chromeleon CDS software allows you to protect the integrity of your data at each stage of the workflow.
Sample Preparation for HPLC
Overview on the main sample preparation strategies and guidance to the most suitable sample preparation techniques for general applications.
From HPLC to UHPLC: How Fast Can I Be, and Is the Fastest Always the Best
Learn about the potential for the UHPLC's method acceleration and what advantages and disadvantages this acceleration provide.
From HPLC to UHPLC: What are the Instrument Requirements and Pittfalls?
It is not all about pressure: Requirements for a UHPLC-compatible system and how they can contribute to a successful UHPLC application.
From HPLC to UHPLC: Method Transfer, What Should I Pay Attention To?
How can method acceleration be achieved following the rules of UHPLC? Examples are examined including effects that just show up under UHPLC conditions.
Tips and Tricks for HPLC and UHPLC
A chromatogram does not always look as expected. Classical problems and typical causes are discussed and how these can be eliminated and avoided.

German on-demand Webinars

From HPLC to UHPLC: How Fast Can I Be, and Is the Fastest Always the Best? (German)
Learn about the potential for the UHPLC's method acceleration and what advantages and disadvantages this acceleration provide.
From HPLC to UHPLC: What are the Instrument Requirements and Pittfalls? (German)
It is not all about pressure: Requirements for a UHPLC-compatible system and how they can contribute to a successful UHPLC application.
From HPLC to UHPLC:  Method Transfer, What Should I Pay Attention To? (German)
How can method acceleration be achieved following the rules of UHPLC? Examples are examined including effects that just show up under UHPLC conditions.
Tips and Tricks for HPLC and UHPLC (German)
A chromatogram does not always look as expected. Classical problems and typical causes are discussed and how these can be eliminated and avoided.
The Ideal Chromatography Data System (CDS) for You? (German)
What are key requirements for your next CDS? Ease of use, regulatory compliance, traceability and data integrity, to productivity tools are discussed.

Italian on-demand Webinars

Chromatographic Workflow for Biopharmaceutical Characterization (Italian)
LC plays an essential role in biopharmaceutical characterization. This session in Italian discusses main workflows, the role LC plays and new developments

Which UHPLC for LC-MS? (Italian)
LC-MS is a common technique in analytical science, but do you have the optimal LC-MS set-up for your particular application and are you using the correct UHPLC to get the maximum performance from your mass spectrometer?

Tips and Tricks for HPLC and UHPLC (Italian)
Classic HPLC and UHPLC problems, typical causes and solutions

Comply with Data Integrity Regulations with Chromeleon CDS Software (Italian)
Learn more about data integrity guidelines and how the Chromeleon CDS software protects data integrity.
IC Coupled with MS, a Powerful Approach for Polar Pesticide Determination (Italian)
Ion chromatography coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer has been used to separate polar pesticides without the need for derivitization.