Visualize | Analyze | Manage | Understand | Innovate

Wherever imaging data sets need to be processed and managed, Thermo Scientific Software solutions offer abundant state-of-the-art image data processing, exploration and analysis features. Our adaptable software packages dedicated to life sciences, materials science, digital rock analysis, our service, and support options make complex visualization, analysis and data management of image data faster and easier for a wide range of customers.

Workflow using Avizo Software
기기 카드 원본 스타일시트


Visualization and analysis software

Amira 소프트웨어
생명 과학

  • 2D-5D 바이오이미징 데이터 탐색
  • 구조 식별 및 이해
  • 통계적 정보 획득
  • 리포트 공유 및 우수한 애니메이션

Avizo 소프트웨어
재료 과학

  • 다중 데이터/다중 뷰, 다중 채널, 타임 시리즈, 대량 데이터 지원
  • 고급 다중 모드 2D/3D 자동 등록
  • 아티팩트(artifact) 감소 알고리즘

Pergeos 소프트웨어
암석 및 광물

  • 암석 영상 데이터의 시각화, 처리 및 분석
  • 기공에서 핵까지 멀티 스케일 이미징 분석 수행
  • 지질학적 및 암석물리학적 특성 계산

Athena 소프트웨어
이미징 데이터 관리

  • 이미지, 데이터, 메타데이터 및 실험 워크플로우의 추적 가능성 보장
  • 이미징 워크플로우 간소화
  • 협업 개선
  • 데이터 액세스 보안 및 관리


Explore the unlimited possibilities for processing your data

Amira-Avizo Software and PerGeos Software integrate Python 3.5. Many packages are available including NumPy and SciPy.

While providing a long list of packages, Python integration is not limited to those being installed by default.

Learn more


Accelerate image segmentation and improve image quality

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods, such as machine learning and deep learning, have proven to be powerful approaches for automating image segmentation and improving image quality.

Learn more



Increase your efficiency with the XTra library

The XTra library contains recipes, scripts, demos, and how-to videos dedicated to a wide range of specific use cases and workflows.

We are constantly adding XTras so you can find answers to all your questions.

Visit XTra Library




Introductory training

Shorten your learning curve and maximize your investment with this introductory training specifically designed for new users of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.

The course consists of a lecture with hands-on sessions. The training material highlights the basic features and functionalities of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.


Advanced training

Maximize your investment and reduce your time-to-results with this advanced training specifically designed for existing users of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.

The course consists of a lecture with hands-on sessions. The training material highlights advanced features and functionalities of Amira, Avizo and PerGeos Software.


Custom development

With over 25 years of experience in 3D and image processing and hundreds of custom projects delivered to organizations small and large, Thermo Fisher Scientific can provide you with a solution tailored to fit your specific needs.

We can customize and expand our software solutions at various levels.

Contact us

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