
Separate your intact, neutral monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from their aggregates by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC).

HIC HPLC columns are ideal for separating intact, charge neutral mAbs from their aggregates and variants. Analysis of mAbs by HIC is complementary to ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) options by offering an orthogonal separation option.

The surface chemistry of our hydrophobic interaction columns set them apart. Producing excellent resolution with various selectivity, they are ideal for separating proteins under non-denaturing conditions.

HIC HPLC Columns for Intact Mass Analysis

MAbPac HIC-10 HPLC columnsMAbPac HIC-20 HPLC columnsMAbPac HIC-Butyl HPLC columns

✓ For separation of mAbs and their related biologics

✓ Unique HIC column chemistry; provides high resolution, excellent biocompatibility, and selectivity that 

✓ Different selectivity from other HIC columns on the market

✓ For separation of mAbs, mAb fragments, and oxidized variants 

✓ Advanced surface bonding provides excellent chemical stability, high resolution, and unique selectivity optimized for mAbs 

✓ Different selectivity from other HIC columns on the market

✓ For more hydrophobic samples and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs)

✓ Hydrophilic resin provides excellent biocompatibility and low carryover 

✓ The optimal density of the butyl groups in the stationary phase provides high resolution separation


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Analytical and Life Science Webinars

Workflows for robust and sensitive separation of mAbs, intact proteins at subunit and peptide level using capillary chromatography by LC-MS

Learn how to excel in depth characterization of therapeutic antibodies at the protein, subunit, and peptide level using a capillary Thermo Scientific MabPac RP column in stand-alone or integrated EASY-Spray format coupled to LC-MS. 

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