Click on the tabs below to find out how you can experience successful reprogramming in one simple transduction.

Workflow 1: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using CytoTune 2.0 Reprogramming Kit from Day 0 where you add transforming reagent to Day 7 when you passage cells onto fresh MEFs to colonies emerge at Day 12. Workflow 2: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using mRNA from Day 0 representing addition of transforming reagent to Day 18 where colonies emerge. Workflow 3: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using Epi5 Episomal Reprogramming Kit from Day 1 to when transfer to Essential 8 Medium happens on Day 15–21. Workflow 4: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using Lentivirus from Day 0 with the addition of transforming reagent to Day 4 when you passage cells onto fresh MEFs to colonies emerge at Day 13.
Generation of iPSCs in 3-4 weeks is accomplished after a single transduction with the CytoTune 2.0 kit, while mRNA requires 18 sequential days of transduction. Traditional reprogramming methods such as with lentivirus can require multiple transductions for iPSC generation.

The major steps required for reprogramming human neonatal foreskin fibroblast cells using the CytoTune®-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit to generate iPSCs cultured on MEF feeder-cells are shown below.

The major steps required for reprogramming peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using the CytoTune®-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit to generate iPSCs cultured on MEF feeder-cells are shown below.

Simple generation of iPSC colonies from human neonatal foreskin fibroblast cells (strain BJ) with the CytoTune-iPS Sendai Reprogramming Kit

A. Fibroblast before transduction

Fibroblast cells prior to transduction.

 B. 2 weeks post-transduction

 2 weeks post-transduction

C. 3 weeks post-transduction

3 weeks post-transduction

D. After manual picking and expansion

After manual picking and expansion
(A) Fibroblast cells prior to transduction. (B-D) iPSC colonies at (B) 2 weeks and (C) 3 weeks post-transduction with a single application of the CytoTune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit can be easily identified due to the high efficiency and low background of partially reprogrammed cells. (D) iPSC colony after manual picking and transfer to KnockOut SR Medium.
Workflow 1: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using CytoTune 2.0 Reprogramming Kit from Day 0 where you add transforming reagent to Day 7 when you passage cells onto fresh MEFs to colonies emerge at Day 12. Workflow 2: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using mRNA from Day 0 representing addition of transforming reagent to Day 18 where colonies emerge. Workflow 3: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using Epi5 Episomal Reprogramming Kit from Day 1 to when transfer to Essential 8 Medium happens on Day 15–21. Workflow 4: Line graph outlines reprogramming workflow using Lentivirus from Day 0 with the addition of transforming reagent to Day 4 when you passage cells onto fresh MEFs to colonies emerge at Day 13.
Generation of iPSCs in 3-4 weeks is accomplished after a single transduction with the CytoTune 2.0 kit, while mRNA requires 18 sequential days of transduction. Traditional reprogramming methods such as with lentivirus can require multiple transductions for iPSC generation.

The major steps required for reprogramming human neonatal foreskin fibroblast cells using the CytoTune®-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit to generate iPSCs cultured on MEF feeder-cells are shown below.

The major steps required for reprogramming peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using the CytoTune®-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit to generate iPSCs cultured on MEF feeder-cells are shown below.

Simple generation of iPSC colonies from human neonatal foreskin fibroblast cells (strain BJ) with the CytoTune-iPS Sendai Reprogramming Kit

A. Fibroblast before transduction

Fibroblast cells prior to transduction.

 B. 2 weeks post-transduction

 2 weeks post-transduction

C. 3 weeks post-transduction

3 weeks post-transduction

D. After manual picking and expansion

After manual picking and expansion
(A) Fibroblast cells prior to transduction. (B-D) iPSC colonies at (B) 2 weeks and (C) 3 weeks post-transduction with a single application of the CytoTune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit can be easily identified due to the high efficiency and low background of partially reprogrammed cells. (D) iPSC colony after manual picking and transfer to KnockOut SR Medium.

Learn more about the CytoTune kits

For research use only. Not for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.