Introducing the Lab-Forward Trade-Up Program for IC

Trading up your current IC system has never been faster or easier. You can trade a Thermo Fisher Scientific instrument or an instrument from another manufacturer for valuable credit toward one of the state-of-the-art IC systems in our portfolio. We even have flexible financing options to reduce the impact on your budget. The Lab-Forward Trade-Up Program is our way of helping you keep up with the speed of science.

See how we can help you

Overcome the barriers to trading in your IC system

This on-demand webinar discusses barriers to replacing your IC system and provides tips to enable you to upgrade.

Why trade up to a new IC instrument?

You know the ins and outs of your lab’s workflow better than anyone else. More than likely, you have a running list of bottlenecks in your existing analytical workflow that you would like to work out. Perhaps you already know the way to accelerate your work is to upgrade to the latest technology or even switch vendors altogether. However, making that leap can seem like an enormous commitment. And yet, for every reason you may have to hang on to your current instruments, there is a list of reasons to trade up to the latest we have to offer. The following is just a glimpse of the benefits you can expect.

Take full advantage of the latest IC columns and consumables

  • Meet current and future method requirements with a vast array of column chemistries and formats.
  • Explore the potential of gradients with Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC).
  • Reduce run times using 4 µm particle columns in combination with a high-pressure IC (HPIC) system.
  • Use eCommerce to order columns and consumables whenever and wherever it is convenient for you.

Greater accuracy, reproducibility, and robustness with Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC)

  • Remove variability in eluent preparation.
  • Extend the lifetime and consistent performance of pump heads by only exposing them to Deionized (DI) water.
  • Get reliable trace (ng/L) ion determinations using electrolytic suppression with RFIC for best signal to noise ratio.
  • Use Viper fittings to consistently achieve minimal dead volume tubing connections for optimum chromatographic performance.

Faster run times for higher throughput

  • Shorten run times and increase throughput combining the enhanced resolution of 4 µm columns with the higher back pressure capabilities of High Pressure IC (HPIC) systems.

Simplified operation that reduces training costs and saves time

  • Avoid the labor and hazard of manual eluent preparation with high-purity RFIC.
  • Eliminate suppressor regenerant preparation by recirculating suppressed eluent with electrolytic suppression.
  • Reduce costly system setup errors by eliminating manual logging and track usage with consumables device monitoring.

Guaranteed access to the service, support and parts you need

  • Comprehensive application and instrument support that includes in-person training and eLearning.

Take full advantage of the latest IC columns and consumables

  • Meet current and future method requirements with a vast array of column chemistries and formats.
  • Explore the potential of gradients with Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC).
  • Reduce run times using 4 µm particle columns in combination with a high-pressure IC (HPIC) system.
  • Use eCommerce to order columns and consumables whenever and wherever it is convenient for you.

Greater accuracy, reproducibility, and robustness with Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC)

  • Remove variability in eluent preparation.
  • Extend the lifetime and consistent performance of pump heads by only exposing them to Deionized (DI) water.
  • Get reliable trace (ng/L) ion determinations using electrolytic suppression with RFIC for best signal to noise ratio.
  • Use Viper fittings to consistently achieve minimal dead volume tubing connections for optimum chromatographic performance.

Faster run times for higher throughput

  • Shorten run times and increase throughput combining the enhanced resolution of 4 µm columns with the higher back pressure capabilities of High Pressure IC (HPIC) systems.

Simplified operation that reduces training costs and saves time

  • Avoid the labor and hazard of manual eluent preparation with high-purity RFIC.
  • Eliminate suppressor regenerant preparation by recirculating suppressed eluent with electrolytic suppression.
  • Reduce costly system setup errors by eliminating manual logging and track usage with consumables device monitoring.

Guaranteed access to the service, support and parts you need

  • Comprehensive application and instrument support that includes in-person training and eLearning.

Put your best lab forward with exclusive financing

Put your best lab forward with exclusive financing

We won’t let budgetary constraints hold you back from making the essential equipment purchases you need to grow your lab. At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we are uniquely positioned to offer a wide range of financial and leasing services. Whether you would benefit from a deferred payment plan, one of our leasing options or interest-free financing, our financing experts can put together a payment plan that works for you.

*All financing options are subject to formal credit approval; interest rates and programs may vary by country.

Move your lab forward with the right system for you

The Thermo Scientific Dionex Inuvion Core IC system, Thermo Scientific Dionex Inuvion IC system, Thermo Scientific Dionex Integrion HPIC system and Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system featured below are part of the Lab-Forward Trade-Up Program. They all come with the reliability and robustness you have come to expect from our Dionex IC systems. Click on the “Learn more” button for an in-depth look at each instrument’s features and capabilities. You can also reach out to one of our sales specialists and we’ll help you choose the right system for your lab.

I have an older Thermo Scientific Dionex IC. What instrument is recommended?

Find discontinued Dionex IC instruments and their suggested equivalent instrument below.


Discontinued Date

Recommended Replacement Product

Dionex Easion IC system

June 2024

Dionex Inuvion Core IC System

Dionex ICS-600 IC system

June 2024

Dionex Inuvion Core IC System

Dionex ICS-900 IC system

February 2016

Dionex Inuvion Core IC System

Dionex ICS-1000 IC system

May 2009

Dionex Inuvion IC System

Dionex ICS-1100 IC system

February 2016

Dionex Inuvion IC System

Dionex ICS-1500 IC system

May 2009

Dionex Inuvion IC System

Dionex ICS-1600 IC system

February 2016

Dionex Inuvion IC System

Dionex ICS-2000 IC system

May 2009

Dionex Inuvion IC System

Dionex ICS-2100 IC system

February 2016

Dionex Inuvion IC System

Dionex Integrion IC system – Base system or with column oven (22153-60301, 22153-60302)

June 2024

Dionex Inuvion IC System

Dionex Integrion IC system with column oven, degas, thermostatted detector compartment (22153-60304)


June 2024

Dionex Integrion RFIC system with column oven, degas, and thermostatted detector compartment (22153-60305)

Dionex Integrion RFIC system (22153-60303, 22153-60306)

June 2024

Dionex Integrion RFIC system with column oven, degas, and thermostatted detector compartment (22153-60305)

Dionex ICS-2500 IC system

December 2005

Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system

Dionex ICS-3000 IC system

May 2010

Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system

Dionex ICS-5000 HPIC system

November 2012

Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system

Dionex ICS-5000+ HPIC system

December 2018

Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC system

The value of your current IC system will be evaluated by trained Thermo Fisher Scientific personnel based on type of instrument, age and condition. We’ll ask you some questions on the history of your system in order to provide an accurate estimate on its value.

Most IC systems are eligible for a trade-in credit. Eligible systems include, but are not limited to: 

  • Discontinued Thermo Scientific Dionex IC systems
  • Other vendor systems

Please note that for modular IC systems, a pump must be included to qualify for a trade-in.

The value of the system traded in will be dependent on type, age and condition. 

We are no longer removing used systems for the lab as part of the program. Your system will be used to determine eligibility and the credit value toward your new instrument purchase. You can then keep or dispose of your used system at your discretion.

We have your back on method transfer and training with specialized staff who can give you a helping hand. Do not hesitate to reach out to your local sales contact for details.

We will work with you to ensure that results with a new system will be equivalent to, and in many cases better than, what you are getting currently for your application.

These promotions are available to customers in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the USA, and unless otherwise stated on each product page. Other restrictions may apply.

Lab partners for life

Lab partners for life

As a long-standing global company, we are a trusted partner to labs around the world. While our primary commitment is to developing instruments at the forefront of technology, we also believe that these instruments best serve science when they are in the hands of as many scientists as possible. That’s why we are equally committed to helping remove as many barriers of entry to our technology as possible by providing financing solutions, extensive training support and unique opportunities like our Lab-Forward Trade-Up Program.

* Required field


실험실 발전을 위한 IC 보상 판매 프로그램 소개

여러분이 가지고 계신 IC 시스템을 더 빠르고 쉽게 보상 판매 받으실 수 있습니다. 써모 피셔 사이언티픽 또는 타사 제품을 저희 포트폴리오에 있는 최첨단 IC 시스템 중 하나로 교체할 수 있습니다. 실험실 발전을 위한 보상 판매 프로그램은 여러분이 과학의 속도와 발 맞출 수 있도록 지원하는 저희의 방안입니다.

저희가 어떻게 여러분을 도울 수 있을까요?

Overcome the barriers to trading in your IC system

This on-demand webinar discusses barriers to replacing your IC system and provides tips to enable you to upgrade.


왜 새로운 IC 기기로 교체해야 하나요?

여러분은 누구보다 실험실 워크플로우에 대해 잘 알고 있습니다. 대부분의 경우 기존 분석 워크플로우에 여러분이 해결하고 싶은 병목 현상 목록이 있습니다. 작업 속도를 높이는 방법이 최신 기술로 업그레이드하거나 공급 업체를 완전히 바꾸는 것임을 알고 있습니다. 그러나 이러한 도약은 큰 노력이 필요해 보입니다. 여러분이 지금 가지고 있는 기기를 계속 사용해야 하는 상황일지라도, 저희가 제안드리는 최신 제품으로 교체해야 할 이유가 있습니다. 아래에서 교체 시 기대할 수 있는 혜택들을 확인하세요.

  • 최신 IC 컬럼과 소모품의 활용도 극대화
  • 정확성, 재현성 및 견고성 향상
  • 신속한 운영을 통한 처리량 증가
  • 간소화된 운영을 통한 교육비 및 시간 감소
  • 서비스, 지원 및 필요 부품에 대한 액세스 보장


여러분에게 적합한 시스템으로 실험실을 개선시키세요

써모 사이언티픽 Dionex Easion IC 시스템, 써모 사이언티픽 Dionex Aquion IC 시스템, 써모 사이언티픽 Dionex Integrion HPIC 시스템, 그리고 써모 사이언티픽 Dionex ICS-6000 HPIC 시스템은 실험실 발전을 위한 보상 판매 프로그램의 주요 제품들 입니다. "자세히 알아보기" 버튼을 눌러 각 기기들의 주요 특징과 기능을 자세히 알아보세요. 또한 영업 전문가에게 연락하시면, 여러분의 실험실에 적합한 시스템 선택할 수 있도록 도와 드립니다.

오래된 써모 사이언티픽 Dionex IC를 사용하고 있습니다. 어떤 기기를 추천 받을 수 있을까요?

단종된 Dionex IC 기기 및 이와 호환 가능한 권장 기기를 아래에서 찾아보세요. 주요 차이점도 함께 확인하실 수 있습니다. 더 자세한 내용은 콘텐츠 리소스를 통해 알아보세요.

자주 묻는 질문

왜 써모 피셔 사이언티픽을 선택해야 하나요?

실험실의 평생 파트너

긴 역사를 가진 글로벌 기업으로서, 저희는 전 세계 실험실의 신뢰받는 파트너입니다. 저희가 가장 전념하는 것은 기술의 최전선에서 기기들을 개발하는 것이지만, 우리는 이러한 기기들이 가능한 많은 과학자들의 손에 있을 때 과학에 가장 도움이 된다고 믿습니다. 이것이 바로 광범위한 트레이닝 지원과 실험실 발전을 위한 보상 판매 프로그램과 같은 특별한 기회를 제공하여 기술에 대한 진입 장벽을 최대한 낮출 수 있도록 노력하고 있는 이유입니다.



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