Advanced battery materials analysis


Phenom Desktop SEM designed for battery materials analysis

In battery production and research, the quality of materials is becoming critical. Small contaminants in the NCM powder, for example, can have disastrous results in the final product. To trace these contaminants effectively, high-resolution SEM imaging with EDS analysis for chemistry is needed. When fully automated, this combination is a powerful tool for powder quality inspection.


Phenom ParticleX Battery Desktop SEM key features


Conductance classifications

Each particle class can be labeled with a conductance of the particles, allowing you to sort on conductance of particles. This allows you to assess the impact of contamination much more accurately since a small organic contamination is not as severe as a metallic conductive contamination.

Ternary diagram

To view overall chemistry of the particle population, a ternary diagram can be generated where all particles are represented. With Ni, Co, and Mn on each axis, the outyears and general trends can be seen instantly.

ChemiSEM Technology

Thermo Scientific ChemiSEM Technology revolutionizes and simplifies EDS analysis by fully integrating SEM and EDS functions into a single, cohesive user interface. Based on live quantification and building on decades of expertise in EDS analysis, the technology provides elemental information quickly and easily, guaranteeing reliable results in less time. ChemiSEM Technology now comes with a powerful new feature: ChemiPhase. ChemiPhase identifies unique phases with a big data approach, finding minor and trace elements while eliminating user bias and reducing possible mistakes.

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Phenom ParticleX Battery Desktop SEM specifications


Hoja de estilo para las especificaciones de la tabla de productos
Electron optical
  • Long lifetime thermionic source (CeB6 )
  • Multiple beam currents
Electron optical magnification range
  • 160 to 200,000x
Light optical magnification
  • 3 to 16x
  • <10 nm
Image resolution options
  • 960 x 600, 1920 x 1200, 3840 x 2400 and 7680 x 4800 pixels
Acceleration voltages
  • Default: 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV
  • Advanced mode: adjustable range between 4.8 kV and 20.5 kV imaging and analysis mode
Vacuum levels
  • Low, medium, high
  • Backscattered electron detector (standard)
  • Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) detector (standard)
  • Secondary electron detector (optional)
Sample size
  • Max. 100 mm x 100 mm (up to 36 x 12 mm pin stubs)
  • Max. 40 mm (h)
Sample loading time
  • Light optical <5 s 
  • Electron optical <60 s


Desktop SEM in battery development

See how the Phenom ParticleX Battery Desktop SEM performs in the real world with application notes, webinars, and more.

various batteris desktop sem

Improving the Quality of Lithium Batteries Using a Desktop SEM blog post

Read now >

particle x webinars series

Lithium Ion Battery Analysis blog post

Read now >

Particle X Batteries

SEM Particle Analysis for Battery Manufacturing webinar

Watch now >

Blogs de SEM de escritorio

¿Desea liberar toda la potencia de la microscopía electrónica de barrido sin tener que comprometer su uso? Mejore sus conocimientos sobre la microscopía electrónica de barrido y descubra cómo los SEM de escritorio pueden ayudar a su investigación de forma óptima en nuestros blogs de SEM de escritorio Phenom.

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Desktop SEM resources


Watch on-demand: Particle Analysis Applications Using Desktop SEM Webinar Series

In each on-demand webinar, our expert will focus on one particular analysis application and how the Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM overcomes some of the most common challenges. See the abstracts for individual sessions below.

  • How to certify your NCM powder quality with SEM+EDS
  • Electron-microscope-grade cleanliness in electronics
  • Speed up your automated gunshot residue analysis
  • Technical cleanliness analysis with an SEM: Why?
  • Understand your steel with automated inclusion analysis
  • One tool for complete AM powder characterization

On-demand webinar: New Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn more about:

  • Industry-specific software and automation designed specifically for inclusion analysis in metallurgic samples
  • Small footprint, which allows it be added to any analytical lab without the need to adjust facility infrastructure
  • Easy-to-use interface and sample loading that allow you to begin using the instrument with minimal training
  • High-quality, in-house SEM quality control

On-demand webinar: New Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn more about:

  • Industry-specific software and automation designed specifically for inclusion analysis in metallurgic samples
  • Small footprint, which allows it be added to any analytical lab without the need to adjust facility infrastructure
  • Easy-to-use interface and sample loading that allow you to begin using the instrument with minimal training
  • High-quality, in-house SEM quality control

Watch Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM: Quality Starts at the Microscale

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how Phenom ParticleX desktop SEMs are the ideal solution for:

  • ISO 16232 and VDA-19 Compliance for Technical Cleanliness.
  • ISO 4406 and ISO 4407 for contamination of hydraulic fluids.
  • Particle morphology for additive manufacturing feedstocks.
  • Workflow examples for particle classifications and reporting.

Webinar: Scanning electron microscopy: selecting the right technology for your needs

This on-demand webinar has been designed to help you decide which SEM best meets your unique needs. We present an overview of Thermo Fisher Scientific SEM technology for multi-user research labs and focus on how these wide-ranging solutions deliver performance, versatility, in situ dynamics and faster time to results. Watch this webinar if you are interested in:

  • How the needs for different microanalysis modalities are met (EDX, EBSD, WDS, CL, etc.).
  • How samples are characterized in their natural state without the need for sample preparation.
  • How new advanced automation allows researchers to save time and increase productivity.
Alexander Bouman on the new Phenom ParticleX

ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM - Workflow introduction

Watch on-demand: Particle Analysis Applications Using Desktop SEM Webinar Series

In each on-demand webinar, our expert will focus on one particular analysis application and how the Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM overcomes some of the most common challenges. See the abstracts for individual sessions below.

  • How to certify your NCM powder quality with SEM+EDS
  • Electron-microscope-grade cleanliness in electronics
  • Speed up your automated gunshot residue analysis
  • Technical cleanliness analysis with an SEM: Why?
  • Understand your steel with automated inclusion analysis
  • One tool for complete AM powder characterization

On-demand webinar: New Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn more about:

  • Industry-specific software and automation designed specifically for inclusion analysis in metallurgic samples
  • Small footprint, which allows it be added to any analytical lab without the need to adjust facility infrastructure
  • Easy-to-use interface and sample loading that allow you to begin using the instrument with minimal training
  • High-quality, in-house SEM quality control

On-demand webinar: New Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM

Watch our on-demand webinar to learn more about:

  • Industry-specific software and automation designed specifically for inclusion analysis in metallurgic samples
  • Small footprint, which allows it be added to any analytical lab without the need to adjust facility infrastructure
  • Easy-to-use interface and sample loading that allow you to begin using the instrument with minimal training
  • High-quality, in-house SEM quality control

Watch Phenom ParticleX Desktop SEM: Quality Starts at the Microscale

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how Phenom ParticleX desktop SEMs are the ideal solution for:

  • ISO 16232 and VDA-19 Compliance for Technical Cleanliness.
  • ISO 4406 and ISO 4407 for contamination of hydraulic fluids.
  • Particle morphology for additive manufacturing feedstocks.
  • Workflow examples for particle classifications and reporting.

Webinar: Scanning electron microscopy: selecting the right technology for your needs

This on-demand webinar has been designed to help you decide which SEM best meets your unique needs. We present an overview of Thermo Fisher Scientific SEM technology for multi-user research labs and focus on how these wide-ranging solutions deliver performance, versatility, in situ dynamics and faster time to results. Watch this webinar if you are interested in:

  • How the needs for different microanalysis modalities are met (EDX, EBSD, WDS, CL, etc.).
  • How samples are characterized in their natural state without the need for sample preparation.
  • How new advanced automation allows researchers to save time and increase productivity.
Alexander Bouman on the new Phenom ParticleX

ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM - Workflow introduction


Desktop SEM applications


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Control de proceso

La industria moderna exige un alto rendimiento con una calidad superior, un equilibrio que se mantiene a través de un control de procesos sólido. Las herramientas SEM y TEM con software de automatización exclusivo proporcionan información rápida y multiescala para la supervisión y la mejora de procesos.


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Control de calidad

El control y garantía de calidad son esenciales en la industria moderna. Ofrecemos una gama de herramientas de EM y espectroscopía para el análisis multiescala y multimodal de defectos, lo que le permite tomar decisiones fiables e informadas para el control y la mejora de procesos.


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Investigación sobre materiales fundamentales

Se investigan nuevos materiales a escalas cada vez más pequeñas para lograr el máximo control de sus propiedades físicas y químicas. La microscopía electrónica proporciona a los investigadores información clave sobre una amplia variedad de características materiales a escala nanométrica.


Grano mineral de aluminio encontrado con SEM durante las pruebas de limpieza de piezas


Más que nunca, la fabricación moderna necesita componentes fiables y de calidad. Con la microscopía electrónica de barrido, el análisis de limpieza de las piezas se puede llevar a cabo internamente, lo que le proporciona una amplia gama de datos analíticos y acorta su ciclo de producción.


Electron microscopy techniques


Análisis elemental EDS

EDS proporciona información de composición vital sobre las observaciones de microscopio electrónico. En concreto, nuestros exclusivos sistemas de detectores Super-X y Dual-X añaden opciones para mejorar el rendimiento y/o la sensibilidad, permitiendo optimizar la adquisición de datos para cumplir con sus prioridades de investigación.

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Tomografía EDS en 3D

La investigación de materiales modernos depende cada vez más del análisis a nanoescala en tres dimensiones. La caracterización en 3D, incluidos los datos de composición para el contexto químico y estructural completo, es posible con EM en 3D y espectroscopia de rayos X dispersiva.

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Asignación elemental a escala atómica con EDS

El EDS de resolución atómica proporciona un contexto químico incomparable para el análisis de materiales al diferenciar la identidad elemental de los átomos individuales. Cuando se combina con TEM de alta resolución, es posible observar la organización precisa de los átomos en una muestra.

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Análisis de partículas

El análisis de partículas juega un papel vital en la investigación de nanomateriales y el control de calidad. La resolución a escala nanométrica y la adquisición de imágenes superiores de microscopía electrónica se pueden combinar con software especializado para la rápida caracterización de polvos y partículas.

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Análisis elemental EDS

EDS proporciona información de composición vital sobre las observaciones de microscopio electrónico. En concreto, nuestros exclusivos sistemas de detectores Super-X y Dual-X añaden opciones para mejorar el rendimiento y/o la sensibilidad, permitiendo optimizar la adquisición de datos para cumplir con sus prioridades de investigación.

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Tomografía EDS en 3D

La investigación de materiales modernos depende cada vez más del análisis a nanoescala en tres dimensiones. La caracterización en 3D, incluidos los datos de composición para el contexto químico y estructural completo, es posible con EM en 3D y espectroscopia de rayos X dispersiva.

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Asignación elemental a escala atómica con EDS

El EDS de resolución atómica proporciona un contexto químico incomparable para el análisis de materiales al diferenciar la identidad elemental de los átomos individuales. Cuando se combina con TEM de alta resolución, es posible observar la organización precisa de los átomos en una muestra.

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Análisis de partículas

El análisis de partículas juega un papel vital en la investigación de nanomateriales y el control de calidad. La resolución a escala nanométrica y la adquisición de imágenes superiores de microscopía electrónica se pueden combinar con software especializado para la rápida caracterización de polvos y partículas.

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