2D–5D software for visualization, processing and analysis of microscopy images serving life sciences

Thermo Scientific Amira Software is a powerful, comprehensive, and versatile software solution for visualizing, analyzing and understanding life science and biomedical research images from many image modalities, including Optical and Electron Microscopy, CT, MRI and other imaging modalities. 

With incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software supports advanced 2D–5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology to tissue imaging, neuroscience, anatomical imaging and bioengineering. 

Amira Software harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide a broad spectrum of data visualization, processing, and analysis capabilities for 3D image data, including time series and multi-channel datasets. Its advanced features enable life science and biomedical researchers to extract valuable insights from their data, regardless of the modality or scale.

Imaging data

Amira Software workflow


Amira Software workflow


Amira Software workflow


Amira Software workflow



Thanks to powerful segmentation and image processing capabilities and workflows, and after 20+ years of collaboration with the scientific community and thousands of researchers, it has been now proven that our digital imaging-based workflows provide reliable answers to biomedical and life science research.



Because your needs are unique and keep evolving, our software solutions are fully flexible and open to customization. Thanks to our scripting interface (Python, TCL), bridge with MATLAB, and our programming API, you can expand our software solution and integrate your own IP (Intellectual Property). And, if needed, our professional service team can help you design unique solutions tailored to your needs.



Thanks to our dedicated professional support team, you get access to our top experts to ensure that no question is left unanswered. And with our training, consulting options, and ever-expanding collection of tutorials and how-to’s, you can reduce your learning curve and focus on getting the answers you are pursuing.



Thanks to our automation capabilities, and with the addition of our always expanding online repository of add-ons (Xtra Gallery), you can encapsulate repeatable workflows into easy-to-reproduce recipes. With the addition of artificial intelligence, analysis can be performed by non-image processing experts, allowing them to save time on complex analysis while ensuring results consistency.


Insight from your peers

Explore industry-leading insights and research that can support your lab workflow. Amira Software can empower your lab with a cutting-edge, comprehensive imaging data analysis toolbox.

Helping scientists answer questions that enable breakthrough discoveries in life sciences, materials science, and industry.

Amira Software Supports Mitochondria Research at Vanderbilt University
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Correlative Microscopy: Using Amira Software to Understand the Spread of Cancer
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Amira Software Accelerates Veterinary Research with 3D Visualization and Analysis
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Molecular Clarity—Discovering What’s Possible with Cryo-Electron Tomography
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Cryo-Electron Tomography and 3D Software Advances Coronavirus Research
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Correlative imaging

With its long-standing applications in multi-modality imaging techniques, Amira Software is the tool of choice for many researchers working with data from different imaging modalities. Amira architecture supports multi-volume data processing and visualization from the ground up. The automatic registration tools integrated into the standard edition of Amira Software with the Multi-Planar Workroom offer the flexibility of the most commonly used automated registration metrics and optimizers that allow for the adjustment of the registration parameters to meet the needs of your data.


Membrane detection

Amira Software accelerates segmentation by employing automated detection of cellular features, such as filaments and membranes. By performing advanced image analysis and statistics on the cryo-tomograms, Amira Software combines data from these individual structures, averaging out noise and increasing contrast to create a composite model with higher resolution.


Cell detection

Cellular spheroids are 3D cell cultures that represent in vivo tissue better than traditional cellular monolayers, improving the ability of researchers to study cancer, diabetes mellitus, or stem cells among many applications. However, cell analysis in such 3D multicellular objects is not accurately possible, especially without destroying the object of study. Amira Software can automatically separate the cells and perform volumetric, morphometric, and intensity measurements on individual cells and their nuclei in 3D image data of these spheroids. Amira Software also helps researchers with the analysis of conventional 2D cellular monolayers.


High Content Screening

Amira Software enables multi-channel quantitivative capabilities to investigate the most demanding scientific and experimental models used in HCS, including immuno-oncology, neuroscience, and organoid health. Thanks to its incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software helps enable advanced 2D–5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology, to neuronal and spheroid morphology in 3D models. To facilitate these advanced analyses, Amira Software features deep learning for improved training and prediction, including "intelligent denoising functionality

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Multi-channel and time-series visualization

With Amira Software’s new Xplore5D extension, life scientists can easily visualize, correlate, and process large multi-channel and time series data in one platform, without worrying about image size or memory limits. With its smart file format, Xplore5D allows you to compress all imaging data without losing precious information collected during acquisition.

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Filament tracing

With Amira Software, you are able to use a template-matching algorithm to automatically detect and trace these fine filaments in noisy cryo-EM or DualBeam data. In addition, Amira Software enables you to reconstruct filamentous networks and edit the resulting graphs to remove image features erroneously identified as filaments or to add missing parts of a network. Graphs of filaments can then be quantified by measuring parameters such as amount, length, thickness, orientation, ranks, etc. Compelling 3D renderings can be created from the reconstructed model and the computed parameters.


Correlative imaging

With its long-standing applications in multi-modality imaging techniques, Amira Software is the tool of choice for many researchers working with data from different imaging modalities. Amira architecture supports multi-volume data processing and visualization from the ground up. The automatic registration tools integrated into the standard edition of Amira Software with the Multi-Planar Workroom offer the flexibility of the most commonly used automated registration metrics and optimizers that allow for the adjustment of the registration parameters to meet the needs of your data.


Membrane detection

Amira Software accelerates segmentation by employing automated detection of cellular features, such as filaments and membranes. By performing advanced image analysis and statistics on the cryo-tomograms, Amira Software combines data from these individual structures, averaging out noise and increasing contrast to create a composite model with higher resolution.


Cell detection

Cellular spheroids are 3D cell cultures that represent in vivo tissue better than traditional cellular monolayers, improving the ability of researchers to study cancer, diabetes mellitus, or stem cells among many applications. However, cell analysis in such 3D multicellular objects is not accurately possible, especially without destroying the object of study. Amira Software can automatically separate the cells and perform volumetric, morphometric, and intensity measurements on individual cells and their nuclei in 3D image data of these spheroids. Amira Software also helps researchers with the analysis of conventional 2D cellular monolayers.


High Content Screening

Amira Software enables multi-channel quantitivative capabilities to investigate the most demanding scientific and experimental models used in HCS, including immuno-oncology, neuroscience, and organoid health. Thanks to its incredible speed and flexibility, Amira Software helps enable advanced 2D–5D bioimaging workflows in research areas ranging from structural and cellular biology, to neuronal and spheroid morphology in 3D models. To facilitate these advanced analyses, Amira Software features deep learning for improved training and prediction, including "intelligent denoising functionality

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Multi-channel and time-series visualization

With Amira Software’s new Xplore5D extension, life scientists can easily visualize, correlate, and process large multi-channel and time series data in one platform, without worrying about image size or memory limits. With its smart file format, Xplore5D allows you to compress all imaging data without losing precious information collected during acquisition.

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Filament tracing

With Amira Software, you are able to use a template-matching algorithm to automatically detect and trace these fine filaments in noisy cryo-EM or DualBeam data. In addition, Amira Software enables you to reconstruct filamentous networks and edit the resulting graphs to remove image features erroneously identified as filaments or to add missing parts of a network. Graphs of filaments can then be quantified by measuring parameters such as amount, length, thickness, orientation, ranks, etc. Compelling 3D renderings can be created from the reconstructed model and the computed parameters.




Dr. Antentor Hinton Jr, has made extensive use of Amira Software as part of his lab’s work in mitochondrial research.

"Amira Software is crucial for visualizing SBF-SEM (serial block-face SEM) and FIB-SEM images, so we can analyze the 3D morphology of organelles."

Dr. Antentor Hinton Jr
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University


VetCore, University of Veterinary Medicine uses Amira Software

"Research at Vetmeduni Vienna is quite diverse, covering both clinical and preclinical research areas. We are currently four people working in the imaging facility, providing equipment and supports for researchers in both image acquisition (widefield microscopy, CLSM, spinning disk confocal microscopy, soon also STORM super-resolution microscopy, microscopic X-ray computed tomography) and in data visualization and analysis. Amira Software allows you to build networks, enabling complex interactions between data objects. Biology is also complex, and biological interactions are complex networks. Complex questions require complex tools to address them. In this respect, analysis networks such as used in Amira Software outperform most other software approaches when it comes to complex data analysis. Furthermore, I like that Amira Software is quite open concerning integration of deep learning networks and scripting (Tcl, Matlab, Python,...)."

Stephan Handschuh, PhD
VetCore, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna


EMBL and DKFZ uses Amira Software

The present testimonial highlights the way Amira Software supported Matthia A. Karreman, MSc, PhD at EMBL and DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, in her project on multimodal correlative microscopy to efficiently target single tumor cells in vivo. Read reference paper.
Video: 6 min


Hoja de estilo para tarjetas originales instrumentos


Software Amira

  • Importa y procesa datos de imágenes
  • Segmentación automática, separación de objetos, etiquetado
  • Analiza y cuantifica con estadísticas automatizadas
  • Crea imágenes, animaciones y vídeos

Krios G4 Cryo-TEM

  • Ergonomía mejorada
  • Se adapta más fácilmente a los laboratorios nuevos y existentes
  • Productividad y automatización mejoradas
  • Calidad de imagen óptima para una reconstrucción en 3D de alta resolución

Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB

  • La automatización permite la producción de varias laminillas
  • Coloque y extraiga la estructura que desee con el nanomanipulador extraíble
  • Visualización en 3D para tomografía de alta resolución

Apreo 2 SEM

  • SEM de alto rendimiento para resolución de subnanómetro o nanómetro completo
  • Detector de retrodispersión de T1 incorporado en la columna para contraste de materiales sensibles de velocidad TV
  • Excelente rendimiento en distancias de trabajo largas (10 mm)

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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