Sequences need to be entered in the following format. If choosing any above options other than “Custom,” sequences will automatically convert to selected product family archetype.
• DNA: a,c,g,t
• RNA: A,C,G,U
5’Modifications: (available for Stealth RNAi, Silencer siRNAs and PreMIRs/AntiMIRs)
• 5’ Alexa Fluor® 555: /A555/AmMC6/
• 5’ Alexa Fluor® 647: /A647/AmMC6
• 5’Fam: /6-FAM/
• 5’Cy3: /Cy3/
Please provide sequences in the box below in the following format:
Name, Sense Sequence (5’-3’), Antisense Sequence (5’-3’);
*Warning: Sequences will be synthesized as they are entered below. Overhangs will not be converted.