Inline and Offline solutions to remove interfering substances in your matrix

Remove interfering substances from your sample for ion chromatography analysis

Need to remove matrix interferences such as phenolics, metals, cations, anions, or hydrophobic substances that interfere with your ion chromatography (IC) applications? Here is an array of automated (inline) and benchtop (offline) solutions. These solutions contain resins that are specific for removing the substance interfering with your IC analysis.

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Automated inline IC sample preparation products

Dionex Guardcap Vial Caps

Dionex Guardcap Vial Caps

Thermo Scientific Dionex Guardcap Vial Caps work with 5mL Dionex PolyVials in the Dionex AS-DV autosampler to provide an automated inline sample preparation and filtration solution. The Dionex AS-DV holds 50 vials that can be sampled in any order, and programmed to take multiple samples from each vial. The vial design eliminates the need for an external sampling pump. Three versions of the vial caps are currently available:

Dionex Guardcap H Vial Caps

Thermo Scientific Dionex Guardcap H vial caps are embedded with Dionex OnGuard H resin to automatically remove alkaline earth and transition metals, neutralize high pH samples, and filter particulates.

Dionex Guardcap Na Vial Caps

Thermo Scientific Dionex Guardcap Na vial caps are embedded with Dionex OnGuard Na resin to automatically remove alkaline earth and transition metals and filter particulates without changing the sample pH. Since sample pH remains unchanged, Dionex Guardcap Na vial caps are ideal for treating samples that contain pH-sensitive analytes (e.g., nitrite).

Dionex Guardcap HRP Vial Caps

Thermo Scientific Dionex Guardcap HRP vial caps are embedded with hydrophilic reversed phase resin to remove particulates and hydrophobic organic substances including non-ionic surfactants, hydrocarbons, aromatic dyes, and protonated carboxylic acids.

Dionex Guardcap AEX Vial Caps

Thermo Scientific Dionex Guardcap AEX vial caps are embedded with anion-exchange resin in borate form to automatically remove anions, neutralize acidic samples, and filter particulates.

Dionex Guardcap chemistries and example applications

ProductFunctionalityCapacity (meq/cap)SolventspH StabilityExample Application
Dionex Guardcap H Vial CapsCation-exchange hydronium form500-20% HPLC solvents0-14Removal of alkaline earth and transition metals; pH adjustment of basic samples
Dionex Guardcap Na Vial CapsCation-exchange sodium form500-20% HPLC solvents0-14Removal of alkaline earth and transition metals
Dionex Guardcap HRP Vial CapsHydrophilic reversed phase20 mg benzoic acid at pH <40-20% HPLC solvents0-14Removal of hydrophobic organics and surfactants
Dionex Guardcap AEX Vial CapsAnion-exchange borate form500-20% HPLC solvents0-14Removal of anions; pH adjustment of acidic samples

Dionex InGuard Sample Preparation Cartridges

Automatically remove matrix interference for better performance in many IC applications. Installed inline between the IC autosampler and injection valve, these cartridges remove cations (including transition metals), anions, or hydrophobic substances. Thermo Scientific Dionex InGuard Cartridges are available in a versatile selection of resins including Ag, H, Na, HRP and Na/HRP.

Dionex InGuard Chemistries and Example Applications

CartridgesFunctional groupsCapacity (meq/cartridge)Mode of useExample application
Dionex InGuard Ag CartridgesAg+ form sulfonate5–5.5Ion ExchangeRemoval of halides by precipitation
Dionex InGuard H CartridgesHydromium form
5–5.5Ion ExchangeRemoval of alkaline earth and transition metals, pH adjustment of basic samples
Dionex InGuard Na CartridgesNa+ form sulfonate5–5.5Ion ExchangeRemoval of alkaline earth and transition metals
Dionex InGuard HRP CartridgesHydrophilic divinylbenzene2gAdsorption,
π-π Bonding
Removal of hydrophobic species, azo-, and cyano-containing species
Dionex InGuard Na/HRP CartridgesDual functionality50% Na / 50% HRPIon Exchange (Na) and AdsorptionRemove Ca2+ (Na) and lipids (HRP) from dairy

Offline benchtop IC sample preparation products

Dionex OnGuard II Chemistries and Example Applications

CartridgeFunctionalityCapacity (meq / cartridge)SolventspH StabilityMode of Use
Dionex OnGuard II A CartridgesAnion-exchange bicarbonate form0.71.750–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of anions; pH adjustment of acidic samples
Dionex OnGuard II Ag CartridgesCation-exchange silver form2.0–2.25.0–5.50–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of chloride, bromide, iodide by precipitation
Dionex OnGuard II Ba CartridgesCation-exchange barium form2.0–2.25.0–5.50–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of sulfate by precipitation
Dionex OnGuard II H CartridgesCation-exchange hydronium form2.0–2.25.0–5.50–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of alkaline earth and transition metals; pH adjustment of basic samples
Dionex OnGuard II Na CartridgesCation-exchange sodium form2.0–2.25.0–5.50–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of alkaline earth and transition metals
Dionex OnGuard II M CartridgesIminodiacetate ammonium form0.41.00–100% HPLC solvents0–14*Concentration of transition metals by chelation (2.5-cc format); removal of transition metals (1-cc format)
Dionex OnGuard II P CartridgesPolyvinylpyrrolidone6.0Format not available0–100% HPLC solvents1–10Removal of phenols, azo dyes, humic acids by complexation
Dionex OnGuard II RP CartridgesPolydivinylbenzene0.3 g resin0.75 g resin0–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of surfactants, high MW carboxylic acids, aromatic dyes by adsorption
Dionex OnGuard II Ag/H CartridgesCation-exchange silver form; cation- exchange hydronium formFormat not available4.6 (Ag) 0.8 (H)0–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of chloride, bromide, iodide by precipitation; removal of alkaline earth and transition metals; pH adjustment of basic samples
Dionex OnGuard II Ba/Ag/H CartridgesCation-exchange silver form; cation- exchange barium form; cation-exchange hydronium formFormat not available2.2–2.6 (Ba) 2.2–2.6 (Ag) 0.8 (H)0–100% HPLC solvents0–14Removal of chloride, bromide, iodide by precipitation; removal of alkaline earth and transition metals; pH adjustment of basic samples; removal of sulfate by precipitation