The Opioid Crisis: What you need to know!

In this webinar, Pat Pizzo discusses the opioid crisis, current trends, what’s causing it, and how to address it.  She explores historical trends, the crisis today, and how it came into being, sourcing data from various federal organizations and research communities.  She discusses the different types of opioids, prescription vs non-prescription (street drugs), and the challenges they present in detection.  Drugs discussed in detail include fentanyl, Propoxyphene (PPX), Buprenorphine, and what is currently trending on the street, such as carfentanil, kratom, and krocodil, among others.  This webinar was recorded on June 21, 2018.

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Learning Objectives

In the webinar, Pat covers the following:

  • Understanding what are opioids
  • Knowing the difference between prescription and street drugs
  • What are the commonly abused drugs
  • Learn about the two new opioids added to the SAMHSA panel
  • What tests are available for opioid detection
Pat Pizzo

Speaker: Pat Pizzo, Toxicologist and former member of the Federal Drug Testing Advisory Board (DTAB)

Who Should Atttend

Criminal Justice Professionals

  • Judges
  • Drug Court Coordinators
  • Drug Testing Personnel
  • Case Managers
  • Probation/Parole Officers
  • Treatment Providers

Reference Labs

  • Directors
  • Managers/Supervisors
  • Lab Assistants

Pain Management Professionals

  • Doctors
  • Clinical Directors
  • Nurses
  • Lab Managers/Supervisors
  • Lab Assistants

CE credit not available for this webinar.
