On Demand Webinar: X-Ray Tomography Big and Small: The Versatility of CT for Characterization of Soft Materials

The performance of commercially relevant soft materials is heavily controlled by their internal structure. Understanding this structure is important for both product development and quality control. X-ray computed tomography (CT) is becoming an increasingly important tool for the non-destructive characterization of the three-dimensional microstructure of soft materials at high contrast.

In this webinar, Thomas Fitzgibbons, PhD (Dow Chemical Company), will provide an introduction to the unique features of the Thermo Scientific™ HeliScan microCT and how Dow Chemical uses this technology to characterize the internal morphology of complex 3-D structures to drive innovation in soft materials. The presentation will include examples of polymeric foams, composites, and nonwoven fabrics scanned at high resolution. It will also include examples of non-destructive testing of very large polymer parts.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Learn about the use of HeliScan microCT for non-destructive characterization of soft materials at high contrast
  • Get insights to the use of HeliScan microCT for various sizes of samples and large volumes
  • Understand how microCT technology improves the understanding of the internal morphology of 3D structures

Speaker biography:

Thomas Fitzgibbons, PhD; Senior R&D Analytical Chemist; The Dow ChemicalCompany

Tom Fitzgibbons is an Associate Research Scientist at Dow, working in their Core R&D Analytical Sciences division. Over the past 5 years he has worked on developing and implementing various X-ray and microscopy techniques for elucidating the structure-property relationships in soft materials. Before Dow, Tom received his PhD in Chemistry from Penn State University in 2014 on applying various scattering techniques to describe and discover new carbon based nanomaterials at high pressure. He received his BS in Chemistry from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York in 2009. Tom is active in the American Crystallographic Society and with working with Argonne National Laboratory’s Advanced Photon Source.

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