
Your research can’t wait

Arrays are fast, simple, reliable, and affordable.

  • Access millions of annotated and unannotated sequences for biomarker identification and expression profiling.
  • Gain insights into coding and noncoding genes, exons, and splice variants.
  • Our array solutions are compatible with challenging, precious sample types, and are scalable for low- and high-throughput studies.
  • With TAC Software included at no additional cost, you can make even the most complex analysis challenges easy.

Applied Biosystems arrays and assays can help provide you with a faster path to the important insights you’re seeking.

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“Principal investigators come to the core lab and say, ‘I have a grant that I am thinking of submitting next month. Would it be possible to get this piece of data because I want to put that in my grant?’ With the arrays, it is doable.”

Sridar Chittur, PhD, MBA
Research Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences, Director, Microarray & HT Sequencing Core Facility, Center for Functional Genomics, University at Albany, State University of New York

“I am a molecular biologist by training, and I can easily use this technology any time. I can go back to the software myself and further analyze other genes that are downstream.”

Yesim Gökmen-Polar, PhD
Assistant Research Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine

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