Today, there are several hundreds of authorized substances used in the manufacture of food packaging materials, creating the possibility of chemical contamination of food via migration from the packaging. To ensure food and consumer safety, manufacturers of food packaging materials are required to conduct migration studies following regulatory guidelines. There is also a requirement to carry out a safety evaluation for non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) which may arise from impurities or degradation products of positively listed substances or residues from polymerization processes.
Watch this webinar to find out how LC- and GC-, with orbital trap MS detection, were used to successfully meet the complex analytical challenge of the detection and identification of NIAS in migration studies carried out according to standard protocols established by the EU, and using:
- Full-scan HRAM acquisition for the highest confidence in the results from targeted and non-targeted workflows
- Flexible fragmentation options for structural elucidation of NIAS
- Novel software tools, libraries, and databases for high efficiency data-processing