Within the petrochemical industry, analytical experiments take place throughout the entire production process, from exploration to final product, during which massive amounts of data are generated.
The biggest challenge is to collect and connect all this generated data in accordance with requirements that are very specific for this industry, where analytical workflows are centered around a variety of instruments, a wide range of people use the laboratory software and keeping the plant running without interruption is of utmost importance.
This webinar discusses a new software solution tailored to the petrochemical industry, focused on instrument-centric workflow support.
In this webinar, you will:
- Hear from experts how to leverage a chromatography data system (CDS) for laboratories in the (petro)chemical industry to streamline instrument-centric workflows
- Learn how to leverage a CDS to streamline operations for all users regardless of experience
- Discover the latest features in Thermo Scientific Chromeleon CDS to leverage as a petrochemical software solution for chromatography and mass spectrometry instruments