Software Downloads

SOLiD™ Software

SOLiD Software is a suite of software tools for data processing and analysis generated on the SOLiD Analyzer. It supports multiple applications, is integrable with custom analysis pipelines, and can complete primary (image acquisition and quality control), secondary (alignment to a reference genome, base calling, and SNP identification), and tertiary analysis of fragment, paired-end, and mate-paired experiments.

Key Product Features:

  • Automatic data processing
  • Scalable computation
  • Automatic data export to offline cluster
  • Generate analysis result in base space

Efficiently Analyze Results for Numerous Applications
The suite of software and tools within SOLiD Software provides easy-to-use steps for an end user from operating the instrument, automatic data analysis, to integrating tertiary data analysis packages (Figure 1). The SOLiD(R) Instrument Control Software (ICS--Figure 2) provides an automated operation and data analysis. It has an easy-to-use graphic user interface, and provides a guided wizard for setting up the experiment run. The SOLiD Experiment Tracking System (SETS--Figure 3) is a web-based integrated application that enables data analysis setting, re-analysis of data, real-time remote monitoring, and visualization of analysis reports. All software applications are provided as part of the SOLiD System in addition to a compute cluster with sufficient power to support real-time data analysis on the instrument.

Automate and Simplify Data Analysis
The SOLiD BioScope™ Software provides a command line and simple web interface for running application-specific sequence analysis tools. The BioScope™ framework (Figure 4) enables the user to perform off-instrument secondary and tertiary analyses, and it allows configurable bioinformatics workflows for resequencing (mapping, SNP finding (DiBayes), Human copy number variations, inversions, small indels, large indels), ChIP-Seq, and whole transcriptome analysis (mapping, fusion/splicing, counting, UCSC WIG Files creation). Results will be in GFF v3 and BAM formats. The resulting industry-standard files from BioScope™ can be used with third-party visualization and analysis software tools.

The SOLiD Analyzer comes 'preconfigured' with ICS and SETS. There are additional data analysis tools available from the SOLiD™ Software Community.

Please download the Software to a DVD/CD, and use the DVD/CD to upgrade SOLiD™ Software.

If a USB drive is used to download the software, please reformat the USB before using it or first scan the USB drive on a computer with anti-virus program to make sure it's virus free. Then use the USB drive on the instrument computer.


PCDownloadSOLiD™ Software Suite Updater
(for v3.0, v3.0.1, v3.0.2)

7 KB

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