Photoluminescence Mapping Coupled with Raman Spectroscopy

On-demand demonstration

In this demonstration, you will learn how to combine Raman microscopy with photoluminescence (PL) mapping on the DXR3xi Raman imaging microscope. This non-contact, high resolution technique is an ideal tool for the identification and analysis of photoluminescent materials.


Who should watch:

  • Researchers and scientists interested in PL mapping
  • Scientists interested in analysis of botanical and biological samples
  • Researchers in biological and semiconductor industries

About the speaker

Dr. Matt Gabel

Dr. Matt Gabel is a Raman Application Scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific. He graduated from Washington State University with a Ph.D. in physics, studying the ferroelectric properties of semiconductors. He became deeply involved in vibrational spectroscopy while working as a visiting researcher at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory studying semiconductors with tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.

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