
Clinical laboratories offering molecular diagnostic tests face ever-changing requirements and demands. To be responsive, laboratories need to have flexible solutions and options to suit their individual needs. We offer a comprehensive variety of instrument platforms, an expanding menu of optimized assays, and analysis and reporting software solutions—including IVD solutions and high-grade components, qualified content and workflows, and bioinformatics expertise and validation services that can help accelerate routine analysis of clinical research samples. With our portfolio of innovative tools to support improved workflows, and our focus on high-value diagnostics, we can partner with you to help achieve the best patient outcomes.

Sample-to-answer precision medicine content and solutions

To remain innovative and productive, laboratories need flexible solutions to meet their ever-changing needs. With our extensive range of assays and reagents optimized for use on our genetic analysis platforms, we offer sample-to-answer qualified solutions for a variety of areas in precision medicine. Whether you're focused on pharmacogenomics analysis, pathogen detection, inherited disease testing, or comprehensive genomic profiling for oncology, we can help you implement the right solution for your lab.

Learn more about our qualified solutions and workflows for precision medicine:


Your partner for molecular diagnostic development and commercialization

Our extensive range of OEM instruments, reagents, and services can accelerate your time to market and ensure long-term security of supply. Custom products and services allow you to tailor our products to your precise application. We can also lyophilize or kit your final assay, so that you don't need to invest in manufacturing infrastructure. Take advantage of the investments we have already made.

Analytical validation consulting services for laboratory assays

Your lab is under constant pressure to expand the number of molecular tests offered while staying compliant with standards. Validating a workflow to meet those standards is one of the most critical steps prior to launching a new test—inefficient analytical validation can result in substantial delays. Our Analytical Validation Consulting service provides technical project management of your lab’s analytical validation, potentially reducing your overall time to launch by up to 75%.


FDA approved companion molecular diagnostics (CDx)

In the era of precision medicine, molecular profiling has become essential for the treatment of patients. Because CDx tests are designed to be paired with a specific drug or group of drugs, the development of a therapeutic and its companion diagnostic requires close collaboration with regulatory agencies. New and advancing technologies allow clinicians and laboratory professionals to rapidly gather therapy-relevant molecular information. We offer multiple solutions to aid in identifying patients eligible for treatment.