Apr 08, 2022 - Apr 14, 2022
New Orleans, LA | Booth #2018
AACR Annual Meeting
Join us at American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2022! Let’s talk about Thermo Fisher’s molecular technologies and workflows are revolutionizing our view of cancer.
We'll share the latest innovations in next generation cellular analysis, precise tumor profiling with digital PCR (dPCR), rapid next generation sequencing (NGS) for cancer variant analysis, and new microarray solutions for precision oncology. Learn about real time PCR(qPCR) solutions to accelerate molecular targets and therapeutic development too!

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Poster listing & schedule

AACR session category name

Poster #


 Cancer Genomics 278Detection of gene fusions and exon skipping events in lung FFPE samples with Oncomine Precision Assay on Ion Torrent Genexus System
Presenter: Amir Marcovitz
 Cancer Genomics 3 759Analytical performance of a novel next-generation sequencing assay for myeloid MRD
Presenter: Wally Zhang
 Cancer Genomics 142High-throughput NGS solutions for detection of oncology variants, gene fusion events, and key oncology research endpoints
Presenter: Dinesh Cyanam
 Cancer Genomics 1764Fully automated sample-to-report NGS workflow for comprehensive genomic profiling of myeloid neoplasms
Presenter: Sarah Brozio
Genomic Instability 21515Shannon entropy of mutational signatures predicts sensitivity of signature detection in targeted sequencing
Cancer Genomics 52940Somatic hypermutation analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia research samples by DNA or RNA input IGH chain sequencing
Presenter: Michelle Toro
Cancer Genomics 42293Evaluation of multiple myeloma research samples by analysis of multiple B cell receptor targets in a single NGS assay
Presenter: Geoff Lowman
Cancer Genomics 52944Rapid and accurate variant calling of FFPE samples with the Genexus System
Presenter: Iris Casuga
Cancer Genomics 52939Automation meets reliability: use of Oncomine Precision Assay on the Genexus System for accurate identification of cancer biomarkers in FFPE and liquid biopsy samples
Presenter: Thilanka Jayaweeka

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