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The adoption of cloud-based LIMS solutions continues to grow as laboratories across all industries consider the financial and operational benefits of cloud-based solutions. For new laboratories implementing a LIMS for the first time, cloud can provide a quick road to go-live with low capital expenditure and minimal resources to run and manage the system. For existing laboratories looking to modernize their LIMS implementation, cloud can help minimize IT costs while providing unmatched scalability. In this session, we'll explore real-world customer stories of laboratories that selected cloud deployments for their Thermo Scientific™ SampleManager LIMS™ software. We'll highlight customers from a variety of industries, sharing the benefits and challenges these customers experienced on their journey to the cloud.


Katie Evans
Senior Product Manager, Digital Science
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Katie Evans

Katie Evans is a Senior Product Manager for the Digital Science business at Thermo Fisher Scientific and is located in Altrincham, in the Manchester area of the United Kingdom. During her 22-year tenure at Thermo Fisher Scientific, Katie has focussed on product management and strategy development of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) software with an emphasis on the needs of laboratories serving regulated markets. Katie received her Master of Science degree from Exeter University, UK.

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