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The adoption of cloud-based solutions continues to grow in laboratories across all scientific industries. Organizations are considering the many advantages of adopting cloud-based solutions, such as financial and operational benefits, all which support driving laboratory productivity upwards. For new laboratories implementing a solution for the first time, cloud can provide a quick road to go-live with low capital expenditure and minimal resources to run and manage the system. For existing laboratories looking to modernize their infrastructure, the benefits are seen through lowered IT costs and unmatched scalability. Having data easily accessible and securely protected allows for an increase of collaboration and productivity across teams and locations. The benefits of a cloud-first approach can ultimately support laboratories by providing them with enhanced security, scalability, access, and performance.

In this webinar, cloud expert James Pena, Thermo Fisher Scientific, will discuss:

  • How the adoption of cloud-based solutions is influencing the industry
  • The major benefits of a cloud infrastructure
  • Strategies for customer or vendor-managed cloud deployments
  • Processes and strategies to move existing infrastructure to the cloud
  • Real-world cloud deployment examples


James Pena
Product Manager, Digital Science
James Pena

James Pena is a product manager for the Digital Science division within Thermo Fisher Scientific, where his role focuses on cloud and mobile strategy for laboratory information management systems (LIMS). Having started his career as a microbiologist in the lab, James has since transitioned to projects that support scientists in their digital transformation journey. Prior to joining Thermo Fisher in 2020, James launched new cloud platforms and SaaS products within IBM Cloud and IBM Watson Health. With over 10 years of life science industry experience–spanning the laboratory to cloud and strategy-focused roles–James offers a unique perspective into the real challenges faced by scientists and organizations building the connected lab of the future.

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