
Improve quality control and ensure safe operation in the coal mine

From the mine to loadout, we’ve got everything you need to meet quality specifications and ship a more consistent, quality product. Thermo Scientific online elemental coal analyzers and blending software provide coal producers with accurate, reliable data to control coal blends and ensure on-spec batches. We also offer belt scales, weigh feeders, and coal quality analysis and coal sampling units that provide the process information needed to manage your operation to its greatest efficiency while giving you and your customers the assurance that you are shipping—and they are receiving—the tonnages required. Create a safer environment for your workers and protect your equipment with our tramp metal detectors, level sensors, belt misalignment switches, emergency pull switches, plugged chute switches, and personal dust monitors.

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Products used in coal production

Minimize variations in coal quality, ensure contract compliance, and improve efficiency with the Thermo Scientific CQM FLEX Coal Analyzer. The CQM FLEX is a full-featured coal quality analyzer that can incorporate either Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation (PGNAA) or Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Activation (PFTNA), and it provides the option of sourcing the neutrons from traditional Cf-252 radioactive sources or via an electrically driven neutron generator.

Facilitate coal sorting, blending and out-of seam dilution control with the Thermo Scientific ECA-3 Elemental CrossBelt Analyzer. The ECA-3 is a Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation (PGNAA) coal sampling unit designed to mount around an existing conveyor belt and analyze the composition of the total burden of coal on the belt in real-time.

Blend up to six coal sources to meet coal quality analysis specifications at the lowest cost. The Thermo Scientific COBOS Coal Blend Optimization System controls coal sorting and blending operations with software that continuously monitors coal quality.

PGNAA and PFTNA help ensure coal blends meet specifications
PGNAA and PFTNA help ensure coal blends meet specifications

In the coal blending process, different quality coals are mixed to meet requirements for particular applications. Blending decisions impact the total amount of each product that a mine site is able to sell, so it is important that the blended coal meet quality specifications.

Online and At-Line elemental analyzers are used to measure the composition of coal in real-time and proactively address process variations to ensure more consistent coal blends. The analyzer mounts around an existing conveyor belt or adjacent to a main conveyor with an in-line coal sampling unit to continuously monitor coal quality. When combined with coal analysis and blending software these unique instruments offer the most effective way to minimize variations in coal quality, ensure contract compliance, and improve efficiency.

Online and At-Line coal analyzers utilize an analysis technique termed either Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation (PGNAA) or Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Activation (PFTNA) technology. These technologies are deeply penetrative and measure the entire material volume travelling by conveyor at a high frequency, making them ideal technologies to help ensure that all the coals in the supply mix are properly blended.

To learn more, visit the PGNAA and PFTNA Technology Page.

Featured coal analysis video

Discover the CQM FLEX coal analyzer

Control minute-by-minute quality analysis of your most critical coal streams with the CQM FLEX, the ultimate online coal analyzer with the best accuracy available.

Make coal power more efficient, optimize operations, and address environmental concerns. To learn more about the interconnected technologies that takes coal from the mine to the boiler and deliver reliable electricity to industry and households, download the free eBook, A Practical Guide to Improving Coal-fired Power Generation Operations.

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From mineral analysis to complete bulk weighing monitoring and sampling systems to informatics, enter the Mining Toolkit App and find the latest equipment and technology for your mining operations!

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Related categories and products

Coal is still used in approximately 90% of cement plants globally. We offer a complete line of instruments, equipment and software to help cement producers improve product quality, boost efficiency, lower productions costs, and create safer, cleaner production lines.

Protect your equipment, prevent accidents, and reduce unscheduled shutdowns. Thermo Scientific Ramsey Conveyor Protection Switches monitor position and tracking of conveyor belts to identify potential hazards.

Monitor production output and inventory, or regulate product loadout with belt scale systems that provide vital information for the efficient operation of your business.

Related air quality products

Monitor real-time coal dust exposure with a respirable, personal dust monitor designed specifically for U.S.- based mining applications.

This real-time, ambient, continuous monitor provides continuous measurements for total particulate and cut-points ranging from PM10 down to PM1.

Provide real-time results and gravimetric validation with Thermo Scientific personal DataRAM™ pDR-1500 Aerosol Monitor.

Reduce cement product variation, extend quarry life and meet control requirements

Improve product quality, boost efficiency, lower productions costs, and create safer, cleaner cement production lines.

Learn more

belt scale selection guide

Belt conveyer scales are an important part of a mining operation’s bulk material handling system. A belt scale system monitors production output and inventory, or regulates product loadout, while providing vital information for the effective management and efficient operation of your business. There are many options to consider when selecting a belt scale system. How do you know which one is right for your application?
Check out the Belt Scale Selection Guide