Simplification of a mixed analytics laboratory can be challenging to manage where instruments of various detection types are on different software or individual workstations. A Chromatography Data System (CDS) that can expand beyond chromatography and deliver full control for single quadrupole, through triple quadrupole, and even into high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) options can help reduce software and file management, user training and method transfer efforts, and bring mass spectrometry (MS) capabilities into quality functions.

Learn how Thermo Scientific Chromeleon CDS simplifies your laboratory workflows by combining all separation and detection techniques, including the higher sensitivity and richer detection of MS, into a single compliance-ready enterprise (client/server) environment.

What are users saying?
"Chromeleon Software's user-focused design allows our lab to have anyone from a PhD Research Fellow to an intern on instruments ranging from a GC-FID to a UHPLC triple quad mass spectrometry. Chromeleon software lowers the barrier of entry to train new staff allowing us more flexibility and less training time."

- Scientist, Kalsec

Superior MS data processing and automation capabilities

Expand your capabilities

Achieving lab expansion is more than just purchasing new hardware and setting it on a bench. Chromeleon CDS can help integrate new hardware into a larger environment and unify the effort to get users trained and utilizing it.

  • One software to control your LC-MS, GC-MS, and IC-MS systems
  • Configurable MS-specific data views, detection algorithms, and reporting tools to streamline analysis
  • Optimized background processing to support multi-analyte quantitation
  • Integration ready into the connected Ardia Platform that centralizes data access and method sharing across a family of MS software applications
Connect your laboratory

Connect your laboratory

Organization and management of methods, data, reports and more can cost time and effort on the road from method development through routine use. Chromeleon CDS can help connect your system and take advantage of file centralization to speed method transfers and open up data access to all users.

Dedicated support for MS-driven applications

Search for your application focus in our AppsLab Library

Developing and implementing an MS method is time consuming. Thermo Fisher Scientific is here to help with application notes and support to get the most out of your purchased instruments and software. Some additional application resources below:

Compliant MS

Compliant MS

Leverage the gold standard GxP and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance tools offered by Chromeleon CDS to enhance your MS instruments and data. Compliant instrument tuning and control, with secure logon, audit-trails covering all actions and full version control as standard. Chromeleon CDS makes it easier to achieve, maintain, and demonstrate compliance for all your MS workflows.

  • Create flexible eWorkflow™ procedures to standardized routine analysis into only two mouse clicks
  • Expand use of MS to quality control so that they can identify and monitor targeted and non-targeted peaks to meet regulatory requirements
  • Ensure your data integrity and build your compliant system with gold-standard assurance features
  • Read about changes coming to the ICH guidance on method validation and expanding to method development in ICH guideline update: Method lifecycle

Next-Level CDS: Boost Productivity and Simplify Operations

In this webinar, experts discuss how CDS reduced data processing times and simplified workflows in their laboratories. Learn how they keep every step of the process, from sample injection to final result reporting.

Watch webinar ›

Compliance-ready MS. Chromeleon CDS: Customer perspectives

Discover from industry leaders their perspectives on how Chromeleon software enhances the efficiency of their chromatography and MS workflows, while providing comprehensive compliance capabilities.

 Download customer article ›

Optimizing solid waste SVOC analysis with GC-MS Workflow

Hear how environmental labs find new ways to streamline lab workflows through data processing, automation and improve instrument control with GC-MS and CDS.

Learn more ›

Add MS Component viewing

This simple how-to demonstrates how to view multiple MS components effectively for easy review.

Extractable and leachable testing at SGS

Learn how to view multiple MS components effectively for easy review.

NOW Foods with HeSaver-H2Safer

Discover the benefits of using the HeSaver-H2Safer technology for pesticide analysis.

NIBRT and the University of Sheffield

Hear from NIBRT and University of Sheffield how they use Thermo Scientific technology to solve analytical challenges.


Case studies

Other resources

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