
Easy, fast, and accurate solutions for safer dry pet food products

Protect your brand and bottom line with AOAC-RI and AFNOR Certification approved testing solutions that help you deliver safe dry pet food products with exceptional ease, speed, and accuracy.

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Life Technologies partners with some of the world's most respected labs and dry pet food brands to provide them with reliable food testing solutions and answers when they need them the most. We understand the challenging regulatory and business demands on dry pet food producers and the importance of volume testing and inventory release that protects your bottom line, without compromising product safety or the integrity of your brand.

Developed with input from a leading pet food producer, Life Technologies’ streamlined, semi-automated workflow greatly minimizes the labor requirements associated with traditional testing methods, and easily scales to accommodate small- to high-volume throughput demands. Despite the inhibitory challenges associated with this sample matrix, our AOAC-RI and AFNOR Certification approved pet food and environmental testing solutions are designed to accurately screen for Salmonella and Listeria with exceptional specificity and speed (results in as little as 14 hours), helping to reduce costly false positives and inventory holds. Should a pathogen be detected, our innovative serotyping technology can help pinpoint its location within your supply chain. From fast, reliable, and easily implemented testing workflows, to our award-winning global on-site application support, Life Technologies can help you minimize your risk and maximize your competitive edge.

Key Features and Benefits

Confidence in results

Proven test solutions that handle inhibited samples with exceptional accuracy and specificity.

Fast product release

Rapid, high-throughput screening for Salmonella and Listeria with results in as little as 14 hours

Brand protection

Serotyping enables you to quickly pinpoint the location of pathogens within your supply chain.

Workflows Optimized For Your Food Safety Needs

A partnership with Life Technologies Food Safety helps ensure your company has the competitive edge it expects and the risk reduction your food testing lab demands. From fast, accurate and intuitive tools built on an open-design platform, to dedicated global service and support, our food safety team specializes in workflows that help labs work smarter.


Sample Prep Solutions For Every Need

Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, Life Technologies provides multiple validated sample prep options for pathogen testing that easily integrate into food testing workflows with minimal operator training. The protocols have been tested on a wide range of samples, including environmental, chocolate, infant formula, and soft cheeses.

PrepSEQ® NA Extraction Kit & MagMAX™ Express-96 Processor ›

  • More than 30 samples per day
  • Efficiently removes inhibitors
  • Automated sample preparation
  • Minimal training required

RapidFinder™ Direct Lysis

  • Low and high sample throughput
  • Common protocol for pathogens
  • Minimal hands-on-time
  • Low cost sample preparation

PrepSEQ® Rapid Spin Sample Preparation Kit ›

  • Less than 30 samples per day
  • Efficiently removes inhibitors
  • Minimal equipment costs
  • Minimal training required

Validated Pathogen Detection Kits

MicroSEQ™ kits offer exceptional accuracy and time-to-results for the detection of various food borne pathogens in one easy-to-use platform. Selected kits have been validated and certified by the leading global assurance organizations including AOAC-RI, AFNOR Certification, and USDA NPIP.

  • Internal positive control minimizes false positives and negatives
  • Faster time-to-results versus alternative methods, helps reduce inventory hold times
  • Easy-to-use lyophilized format improves testing consistency (reproducibility)
  • Resistance to PCR inhibitors results in broad sample type compatibility and minimizes “do-overs”

MicroSEQ™ Salmonella spp. Detection Kit ›

MicroSEQ™ Listeria spp. Detection Kit ›

7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System

The 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System combines rapid thermal cycling, powerful software, your choice of off-the-shelf or custom assays, and superior support for a variety of applications. Additionally, all systems are backed by Life Technologies track record of quality, long-term reliability, and award-winning global service and support.

7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System
  • Widely used for its high performance capabilities
  • Fast cycling mode delivers results in typically 40 minutes
  • Open system enables a broad range of QC testing
  • Backed by one of the largest global support networks in the industry
  • Supports a broad range of assays for pathogen, GMO, yeast/mold, bacteria and water testing, including other manufacturer’s assays


7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System ›

Simplify Your Data Interpretation

RapidFinder™ Express Software intuitively guides you through each step of the food pathogen detection assay—from run file to final results. The software uses preset, optimized thermal cycling conditions, and automatically generates presence or absence results, which you can view for all locations, for each sample, or for individual tubes.

RapidFinder Express Software
  • Intuitively guides you through each procedure step—from plate setup to final results
  • Fully automates amplification, detection, data collection, and analysis
  • Quickly evaluate presence and absence calls from an easy-to-read screen display
  • Flag, notification, and prompt options enable you to quickly interpret data


RapidFinder™ Express Software ›

Innovative Food Safety Solutions Customized For Your Unique Needs

Life Technologies has leveraged its assay design, high-speed sequencing, and bioinformatics expertise to develop food safety solutions that offer results you can trust. With customized solutions designed for your specific workflow and food testing requirements, Life Technologies can help you get answers when you need them most.

E. coli O104 outbreak response in record time ›

In only five days, Life Technologies sequenced and identified the deadly strain of E. coli ravaging Europe, helping to develop a screening test that delivered results within
24 hours.

Ground beef

Salmonella detection for a leading pet food producer ›

Using an automated real-time PCR method, Life Technologies designed and validated a complete streamlined workflow to detect Salmonella in pet food in less than 14 hours, cutting time-to-result
by days.

Bowl of dog food

Rapid recall response for large US turkey producers ›

During a recent ground turkey recall, Life Technologies partnered with two of the largest turkey producers in the US to find a rapid detection solution for the Salmonella serovar
of interest.

Turkey burger

Workflows Optimized For Your Food Safety Needs

A partnership with Life Technologies Food Safety helps ensure your company has the competitive edge it expects and the risk reduction your food testing lab demands. From fast, accurate and intuitive tools built on an open-design platform, to dedicated global service and support, our food safety team specializes in workflows that help labs work smarter.


Sample Prep Solutions For Every Need

Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, Life Technologies provides multiple validated sample prep options for pathogen testing that easily integrate into food testing workflows with minimal operator training. The protocols have been tested on a wide range of samples, including environmental, chocolate, infant formula, and soft cheeses.

PrepSEQ® NA Extraction Kit & MagMAX™ Express-96 Processor ›

  • More than 30 samples per day
  • Efficiently removes inhibitors
  • Automated sample preparation
  • Minimal training required

RapidFinder™ Direct Lysis

  • Low and high sample throughput
  • Common protocol for pathogens
  • Minimal hands-on-time
  • Low cost sample preparation

PrepSEQ® Rapid Spin Sample Preparation Kit ›

  • Less than 30 samples per day
  • Efficiently removes inhibitors
  • Minimal equipment costs
  • Minimal training required

Validated Pathogen Detection Kits

MicroSEQ™ kits offer exceptional accuracy and time-to-results for the detection of various food borne pathogens in one easy-to-use platform. Selected kits have been validated and certified by the leading global assurance organizations including AOAC-RI, AFNOR Certification, and USDA NPIP.

  • Internal positive control minimizes false positives and negatives
  • Faster time-to-results versus alternative methods, helps reduce inventory hold times
  • Easy-to-use lyophilized format improves testing consistency (reproducibility)
  • Resistance to PCR inhibitors results in broad sample type compatibility and minimizes “do-overs”

MicroSEQ™ Salmonella spp. Detection Kit ›

MicroSEQ™ Listeria spp. Detection Kit ›

7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System

The 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System combines rapid thermal cycling, powerful software, your choice of off-the-shelf or custom assays, and superior support for a variety of applications. Additionally, all systems are backed by Life Technologies track record of quality, long-term reliability, and award-winning global service and support.

7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System
  • Widely used for its high performance capabilities
  • Fast cycling mode delivers results in typically 40 minutes
  • Open system enables a broad range of QC testing
  • Backed by one of the largest global support networks in the industry
  • Supports a broad range of assays for pathogen, GMO, yeast/mold, bacteria and water testing, including other manufacturer’s assays


7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System ›

Simplify Your Data Interpretation

RapidFinder™ Express Software intuitively guides you through each step of the food pathogen detection assay—from run file to final results. The software uses preset, optimized thermal cycling conditions, and automatically generates presence or absence results, which you can view for all locations, for each sample, or for individual tubes.

RapidFinder Express Software
  • Intuitively guides you through each procedure step—from plate setup to final results
  • Fully automates amplification, detection, data collection, and analysis
  • Quickly evaluate presence and absence calls from an easy-to-read screen display
  • Flag, notification, and prompt options enable you to quickly interpret data


RapidFinder™ Express Software ›

Innovative Food Safety Solutions Customized For Your Unique Needs

Life Technologies has leveraged its assay design, high-speed sequencing, and bioinformatics expertise to develop food safety solutions that offer results you can trust. With customized solutions designed for your specific workflow and food testing requirements, Life Technologies can help you get answers when you need them most.

E. coli O104 outbreak response in record time ›

In only five days, Life Technologies sequenced and identified the deadly strain of E. coli ravaging Europe, helping to develop a screening test that delivered results within
24 hours.

Ground beef

Salmonella detection for a leading pet food producer ›

Using an automated real-time PCR method, Life Technologies designed and validated a complete streamlined workflow to detect Salmonella in pet food in less than 14 hours, cutting time-to-result
by days.

Bowl of dog food

Rapid recall response for large US turkey producers ›

During a recent ground turkey recall, Life Technologies partnered with two of the largest turkey producers in the US to find a rapid detection solution for the Salmonella serovar
of interest.

Turkey burger

Additional Food Safety Resources

Looking for more details about Life Technologies Food Safety solutions? Click below for additional product specifications and industry information.