Confidently process complex samples with chemistry that is up for the challenge

The PrepFiler and PrepFiler BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kits are part of an integrated solution that includes proven reagents for use for use in manual, semi-automated and high-throughput workflows to provide reliable, simplified, and time-saving DNA extraction and purification.

The kits use magnetic particles with an optimized multi-component surface chemistry to deliver robust and reliable DNA yield from a wide range of forensic sample types.

Tested sample types


Sample types

PrepFiler Forensic DNA Extraction kits

Routing forensic sample types, including:

  • Body fluids (blood, saliva, semen)
  • Stains and swabs of body fluids
  • Hair roots
  • Touch/trace DNA samples

PrepFiler BTA Forensic DNA Extraction kits

The most challenging forensic sample types, including:

  • Bone
  • Teeth
  • Adhesive substrates (chewing gum, cigarette butts, tape lifts)
  • Touch/trace DNA samples

Key features of both kits

  • Improves the overall yield, concentration, and purity of DNA isolated from forensic samples, while enabling removal of PCR inhibitors
  • Improves the downstream genotyping success rate, to help ensure that critical and often limited casework samples can be successfully analyzed
  • Contains specially developed magnetic particles and reagents that optimize DNA binding and elution of DNA in a small volume
  • Offers streamlined protocols to process an extensive variety of forensic sample types
  • The PrepFiler BTA kit includes PrepFiler BTA Lysis Buffer to successfully process more challenging samples

Manual, automated, and express formats

There are three kit format options, for both PrepFiler and PrepFiler BTA, to fit all workflows:



PrepFiler Forensic DNA Extraction Kit

For manual pipetting

PrepFiler BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kit

PrepFiler Automated Forensic DNA Extraction Kit

For use with any automated liquid handler

PrepFiler BTA Automated Forensic DNA Extraction Kit

PrepFiler Express Forensic DNA Extraction Kit

For use with the AutoMate Express instrument

PrepFiler Express BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kit


Ordering information

For Research, Forensic, or Paternity Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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