HeLa cell nuclei. Texas Red-X streptavidin, biotin-XX goat anti–mouse IgG antibody, ELF 97 Cytological Labeling Kit and Hoechst 33258.

HeLa cell nuclei incubated with a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against nuclear-localized antigens (a gift from Benjamin Blencowe and Phil Sharp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in conjunction with Texas Red-X streptavidin (S6370) and with a human anti-nuclear antibody in conjunction with biotin-XX goat anti–human IgG antibody. The reagents in the ELF 97 Cytological Labeling Kit (E6603) were then used to detect the biotinylated secondary antibody. Cells were counterstained with Hoechst 33258 (H1398, H3569, H21491). Multiple exposures were taken using filters appropriate for the Texas Red dye, fluorescein and DAPI.

HeLa cell nuclei incubated with a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against nuclear-localized antigens (a gift from Benjamin Blencowe and Phil Sharp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in conjunction with Texas Red-X streptavidin (S6370) and with a human anti-nuclear antibody in conjunction with biotin-XX goat anti–human IgG antibody. The reagents in the ELF 97 Cytological Labeling Kit (E6603) were then used to detect the biotinylated secondary antibody. Cells were counterstained with Hoechst 33258 (H1398, H3569, H21491). Multiple exposures were taken using filters appropriate for the Texas Red dye, fluorescein and DAPI.

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