Mouse fibroblasts. MitoTracker Red CMXRos, BODIPY FL phallacidin and DAPI.

Four-panel composite image of mouse fibroblasts that were incubated with MitoTracker Red CMXRos (M7512), and then formaldehyde-fixed, acetone-permeabilized and stained with the F-actin–specific probe, BODIPY FL phallacidin (B607) and with DAPI (D1306, D3571, D21490). Images were obtained by taking single and multiple exposures through bandpass optical filter sets appropriate for fluorescein, the Texas Red dye and DAPI.

Four-panel composite image of mouse fibroblasts that were incubated with MitoTracker Red CMXRos (M7512), and then formaldehyde-fixed, acetone-permeabilized and stained with the F-actin–specific probe, BODIPY FL phallacidin (B607) and with DAPI (D1306, D3571, D21490). Images were obtained by taking single and multiple exposures through bandpass optical filter sets appropriate for fluorescein, the Texas Red dye and DAPI.

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