Positively charged nylon membrane. TransFluoSpheres® fluorescent microspheres.

A positively charged membrane containing an approximately equal number of TransFluoSpheres® fluorescent microspheres per slot. Our proprietary TransFluoSpheres® polystyrene beads are designed to be excited with a common wavelength and then detected at a variety of longer wavelengths with minimal spectral overlap. This nylon membrane was excited with 365 nm epi-illumination and photographed through a 400 nm longpass optical filter.

A positively charged membrane containing an approximately equal number of TransFluoSpheres® fluorescent microspheres per slot.  Our proprietary TransFluoSpheres® polystyrene beads are designed to be excited with a common wavelength and then detected at a variety of longer wavelengths with minimal spectral overlap.  This nylon membrane was excited with 365 nm epi-illumination and photographed through a 400 nm longpass optical filter.

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