Zebrafish gills. ELF® 97 Endogenous Phosphatase Detection Kit.

A cryostat section of lightly fixed adult zebrafish gills that have been incubated with the ELF® 97 substrate in our ELF® 97 Endogenous Phosphatase Detection Kit (Cat. no. E6601). This kit's novel ELF® 97 phosphatase substrate yields a yellow-green–fluorescent precipitate at the site of endogenous phosphatase activity. This staining pattern is identical to that seen when employing the conventional Gomori method for detecting phosphatase activity.

A cryostat section of lightly fixed adult zebrafish gills that have been incubated with the ELF® 97 substrate in our ELF® 97 Endogenous Phosphatase Detection Kit (Cat. no. E6601).  This kit's novel ELF® 97 phosphatase substrate yields a yellow-green–fluorescent precipitate at the site of endogenous phosphatase activity.  This staining pattern is identical to that seen when employing the conventional Gomori method for detecting phosphatase activity.

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