Rat retinal ganglion cells (right) and microglial cells (left). 4-Di-10-ASP.

Rat retinal ganglion cells that have been allowed to regenerate for two months after transection into a grafted peripheral nerve piece and then labeled with 4-Di-10-ASP (D291), which is retrogradely transported within the regenerated axons and finest dendrites (right panel). Microglial cells in the retina were transcellularly labeled with 4-Di-10-ASP after phagocytosing degenerated ganglion cells (left panel). The images were contributed by Solon Thanos, University of Tübingen School of Medicine.

Rat retinal ganglion cells that have been allowed to regenerate for two months after transection into a grafted peripheral nerve piece and then labeled with 4-Di-10-ASP (D291), which is retrogradely transported within the regenerated axons and finest dendrites (right panel). Microglial cells in the retina were transcellularly labeled with 4-Di-10-ASP after phagocytosing degenerated ganglion cells (left panel). The images were contributed by Solon Thanos, University of Tübingen School of Medicine.

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