Normal rat kidney (NRK) cells. RedoxSensor™ Red CC-1.

Cellular proliferation state determines the distribution of the oxidized product of RedoxSensor™ Red CC-1 (Cat. no. R14060). Normal rat kidney (NRK) cells in different growth states were stained with RedoxSensor™ Red CC-1. In proliferating cells (upper panel), the oxidized dye accumulates in mitochondria. In quiescent cells (lower panel), the oxidized product localizes in the lysosomes.

Cellular proliferation state determines the distribution of the oxidized product of RedoxSensor™ Red CC-1 (Cat. no. R14060).  Normal rat kidney (NRK) cells in different growth states were stained with RedoxSensor™ Red CC-1. In proliferating cells (upper panel), the oxidized dye accumulates in mitochondria.  In quiescent cells (lower panel), the oxidized product localizes in the lysosomes.

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