Simplified wine analysis

From the juice to the bottling stage, many different process critical parameters must be continuously monitored during wine making to maintain the brand signature and fulfill regulatory requirements. Monitoring and controlling the chemical reactions in the winemaking process is part of the science and artistry of producing an exceptional balanced product. Wine’s unique attributes, like color, taste and flavor, are all highly dependent on a series of chemical parameters like pH, Sulfite, Sugars, Organic acids, Nitrogen compounds, Phenols, Titratable acidity, Volatile acid that requires constant monitoring during the malolactic process.

From grape to glass, great winemaking starts with a commitment to quality. The ability to measure and manage the levels of wine spoilers in juice or wine ensures a good final product. Whether you make white wine, red wine, rose wine or sparkling wine, routine multi-parameter measurement gives accurate information on the spot and just when you need it. A new wealth of analytical data that allows oenologist to track wine production more closely, at every stage from grape juice all the way to bottling and shipping and make any necessary process optimization at the right moment. For effective vinification process control, a tight quality control through in-house laboratory is recommended.

Rapid wine analysis

The list of necessary parameters for the oenologist to make the critical decision are very long, can involve a lot of time and equipment’s. Wet chemical methods involve the use of various instruments such as pH meter, auto titrator, spectrophotometer, segmented flow analyzers, chromatographic techniques like HPLC, Ion Chromatography and GC. Highly skilled labors with specialization in chemistry and instrumentation is necessary to perform sample handling, calibration, troubleshooting and carrying out routine maintenance with these sophisticated instruments. Maintaining staff knowledgeable enough to run those instruments is unrealistic, in wineries and wine testing labs.

Multiparameter Wet Chemical Analysis

For wineries it is important to maintain their brand signature, product quality, expand their customer base and increase profitability through well-established in-house quality control, however they encounter unique and challenges. Wineries needs a reliable analytical instrumentation for multiparameter analysis, that enables lab personal without technical or chemistry knowledge to carry out the routine wine analysis.

Consolidated multiparameter discrete analysis now offers a solution to these difficulties. Thermo Scientific Gallery Integrated discrete analyzer, together with ready to use enzymatic reagents enable the walkaway productivity from juice to wine bottling testing.

Wine and Beer Applications Compendium

Learn how Thermo Scientific Gallery Discrete Analyzers ensure product quality and high throughput while reducing cost, waste and hands-on sample time by automating wet chemical analysis for wine, malt, and beer.

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Multiparameter wine analysis with discrete analyzer technology ensures high product quality and throughput, while reducing cost, waste and hands-on sample time. Gallery discrete analyzers assure fast, reliable and repeatable results by utilizing specific enzyme reactions, and robust robotics to streamline laboratory analysis during critical times of the year, like harvest. Thermo Scientific Gallery discrete analyzer with ready to use system reagents are optimized for speed, flexibility, and precision for juice and wine analysis, that enables the oenologists to improve the quality control through consolidated testing.

Gallery discrete analyzers

Gallery Discrete Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific Gallery Discrete Analyzer includes a combined sample and reagent disk for a maximum capacity of 90 samples and 30 reagents, with the capacity to perform up to 200 tests per hour.

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Gallery Plus Discrete Analyzer

Accommodate 108 samples and 42 reagents in its separated sample and reagent disks, with the capacity to perform up to 350 tests per hour with the Thermo Scientific Gallery Plus Discrete Analyzer.

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The Thermo Scientific Gallery Discrete Analyzer provides an integrated platform for photometric and electrochemical analyses, which can be run in parallel. Discrete cell technology allows for simultaneous measurement of several different tests for the same sample, eliminating method changeover time. Each individual reaction cell is isolated and temperature-stabilized, thus providing highly controlled reaction conditions. The Gallery discrete analyzer can achieve very low detection levels, and its sophisticated dilution features help to manage a wide concentration range without user intervention. Results are ready within minutes, translating into a remarkable reduction of hands-on time. The wavelength range covers filter configurations from 340 nm up to 880 nm. An optional, integrated Electro Chemical Measurement (ECM) unit supports conductivity and pH measurements over a wide range.

While traditional analysis requires multiple wet chemistry methods and, therefore, multiple samples, the Gallery discrete analyzer consumes a maximum of 300 μL of sample per test, can test for up to 20 parameters per sample, and runs up to 200 tests per hour. As a result, the cost per analysis is 10 to 20 times less than traditional wet chemistry methods. Since pH plays a critical role in wine making, measurements are taken throughout the winemaking process, from juice to finished wine. Gallery analyzers with optional electrochemistry unit (ECM) can measure up to 67 samples per hour for pH parallelly with other photometric tests.

Thermo Scientific Gallery discrete analyzers together with ready to use system reagents makes the overall wine analysis simple, accurate and reliable. The ready to use wine reagents are specifically developed for rapid and cost-effective analysis of juice and wine. enzymatic assay kits are designed to be accessible for any user, including those without a specialized scientific background. Ready to use system reagents takes away the guess work out of the oenologist and provides walkaway efficiency. Barcode reader improves the traceability and continuously monitors the reagent consumptions and provides realtime reagent information.

Thermo Scientific reagents are ready to go, saving the technician’s time and reducing errors. The unique low volume cuvette design guarantees small reagent volumes, minimizes reagent waste, and as a result reduces reagent costs. Optimized kit sizes and on-board stability further minimize the amount of waste produced and increase cost efficiency.

Thermo Scientific Wine Analysis System Reagents kits offers:

  • Accurate and reproducible results
  • Requires less reagent usage
  • Reduces preparation errors
  • Reduces hands-on time
  • Ease of use

Ensuring confidence in the quality of results, the methods used for analysis in the Thermo Scientific discrete analyzers are well known enzymatic and colorimetric chemistries optimized to the result levels established in international reference methods, OIV, AOAC, DIN, ISO, EBC.

Thermo Scientific Gallery discrete analyzer with ready to use system reagents are optimized for speed, flexibility, and precision for juice and wine analysis, that enables the oenologists to improve the quality control through consolidated testing. The unique discrete cell technology allows laboratories to measure multiple analytes simultaneously while reducing total analysis and operator time. The unique low volume cuvette design accommodates small reagent volumes, minimizes reagent waste, and as a result, reduces reagent costs.

Thermo Scientific system reagents for automated discrete analyzers covers over 50 analytes. Ready to use reagents are easy to work with eliminating extra preparation steps and saving time and money.

Ready to use System reagents and Standards for Juice and Wine analysis

Organic acids

  • Acetic acid
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Citric acid
  • D-Gluconic acid
  • D-Isocitric acid
  • D-Lactic acid
  • Gluconic acid
  • Glycolic acid
  • L-Ascorbic acid
  • L-Lactic acid
  • L-Glutamic acid
  • L-Malic acid
  • Oxalic acid
  • Succinic acid
  • Tartaric acid
  • Aspartic acid
  • ß-Hydroxybuturic acid
  • D-Malic acid

Process critical parameters

  • Acetaldehyde
  • Glycerol
  • Total polyphenol*
  • Iron
  • Alcohol by volume (low)
  • NOPA
  • Total acidity
  • pH
  • Color
  • Free and total SO2
  • Ammonia
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper*
  • L-Arginine
  • D-Fructose
  • D-Glucose
  • Sucrose

*Third party reagents

Top 6 wine spoilers

The ability to measure and manage the levels of wine spoilers in juice or wine ensures a good final product. Effective quality monitoring during different production stages improves productivity and ensures consistent product. Thermo Scientific Gallery discrete analyzers together with ready to use system reagents makes the overall wine analysis simple, accurate and reliable.

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Productivity and efficiency delivered for Frind Lab Services

Frind Lab Services is at the forefront in applying the Gallery Discrete Analyzer to automate, high-throughput determination of sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, chloride and phosphorus in soil samples.

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