Applied Biosystems genetic analysis solutions are a trusted standard for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis (CE), proven through decades of results, including the first sequencing of the human genome and the discovery of genes implicated in diseases like cystic fibrosis.

Learn how scientists are using Thermo Fisher technology as they respond to the unlimited potential of scientific inquiry through CE.

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Sridar Chittur, Lab Director
Andrew Hayden, Research Support Specialist
Microarray & HT Sequencing Core, Center for Functional Genomics
University at Albany, State University of New York

Uncovering the Science Behind Success: SUNY CFG’s Journey testing Smart Deep Basecaller

Beta testing of Smart Deep Basecaller showed superior performance over traditional methods, delivering more accurate results. CFG's commitment to innovation in Sanger sequencing highlights their support for scientific progress and global research empowerment.

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Gregory O’Corry-Crowe

Kei Haga, MS
Carna Biosciences

How the SeqStudio 24 Flex Genetic Analyzer helped a biopharmaceutical company increase efficiency

The SeqStudio 24 Flex Genetic Analyzer’s sample capacity has allowed Carna Biosciences to analyze a larger number of samples at once as they develop and manufacture protein kinases.

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Gregory O’Corry-Crowe

Gregory O’Corry-Crowe, PhD
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University

Life on the Edge: Using Genetic Analysis to Track Beluga Whales in a Changing Arctic

The power of short tandem repeat (STR) analysis provides key environmental insights on whales found in some of the most remote places in the world.

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Kevin Feldheim, PhD
Pritzker Laboratory for Molecular Systematics and Evolution
The Field Museum

The Precision and Simplicity of Capillary Electrophoresis Using Fragment Analysis Helps to Protect and Conserve the Ocean’s Top Predator

Capillary electrophoresis is still considered cutting edge technology in lemon shark research, enabling cost-effective, efficient species identification and population studies.

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Athena Starlard-Davenport, PhD
University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC)

Breast Cancer Disparity Among African American Women: Insights Powered by Sanger Sequencing

Sanger sequencing's ability to deliver highly specific insights with single genes is key to researching breast cancer disparity among African American women.

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Lillian Seu, PhD
Centre for Infectious Disease Control, Zambia (CIDRZ)

Using Sanger Sequencing to Detect Drug Resistance Mutations in HIV in Zambia

The right tools make a difference in precision medicine and are critical to making clinically impactful decisions.

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Gary Latham, SVP R&D

Dark DNA Could Hold Clues to Rare Neurological Disease and Disease Prediction

Hidden elements within the human genome are increasingly discoverable via technology, raising their potential for clinical research and eventual translation into diagnostic technology.

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Stuart Adams, PhD
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust

Sanger Sequencing and Fragment Analysis Help Improve Clinical Outcomes of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in Pediatric Patients

Identifying gene mutations to enable gene therapy in inborn errors of the immune system ensures an appropriate treatment pathway.

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john_tyson_photo 2

John Tyson McDonald, PhD
Cancer Research Center at Hampton University (HUCRC)

Determining the Role of Ancestry in Cancer Development and Response to Therapy

The belief that ancestry plays a role in genetic predisposition to certain conditions is fueling research to investigate the role ancestry plays in carcinogenesis and response to radiation therapy.

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Mustafa Ababneh, PhD (left)
Mohammad Alzghoul, PhD (right)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Jordan University of Science and Technology

The Mystery of Dead Fish in Iraq

Stress imposed on farmed fish in Iraq could explain why millions of carp were dead or dying, but some of the physiological symptoms pointed to something more. Learning the cause helped to save the Iraqi fish-farming industry.

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Kyle Sundin, MS, Senior Manager, Development and Lab Operations
Paw Print Genetics

Canine Inherited Disease Screening and SeqStudio System—The Ruff with the Smooth

Paw Print Genetics is turning knowledge into action for dog breeders and owners, with screening programs to help improve canine health.

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Hans Atli Dahl, PhD, Co-founder, Managing Director
Amplexa Genetics

SeqStudio Speed and Accuracy for Inherited Disease Research

Fast verification is needed to confirm the genomic anomalies uncovered when researching epilepsy.

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Luca Quagliata, PhD, Senior Director
University Hospital of Basel’s Institute for Medical Genetics and Pathology, R&D Unit

SeqStudio System for Translational Research at the University Hospital of Basel

Even with next-generation sequencing (NGS) instruments readily available, Sanger sequencing finds its place in molecular research workflows.

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Andre Samuel, PhD
Citizen Science Lab

SeqStudio System Enables Community STEM Outreach at Pittsburgh’s Citizen Science Lab

Exposure to technology engages and sparks curiosity and interest in life science for local third- to twelfth-grade students.

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Jayesh Sheth, PhD, Founding Member and Chairman
Foundation for Research in Genetics and Endocrinology
Institute of Human Genetics, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

SeqStudio Sequencing for Cooler Inherited Disease Research

With its polymer-chilling functionality, the SeqStudio system brings not only in-house sequencing ability, but also stability despite environmental temperature fluctuations that can result in extreme temperature changes in the lab.

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